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December 16, 2007

Communication Through Art

Communication Through Art
Art is the means by which we communicate what it feels like to be alive. In the past that was mixed up with other illustrative duties but that was still its central function that has been liberated in the art called modern.

All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness. At moments of great enthusiasm it seems that no one in the world has ever made art this beautiful and important. A sincere artist is not one who makes a faithful attempt to put on to canvas what is in front of him, but one who tries to create something which is, in itself, a living thing.

Reflect On Your Surroundings
If you sometimes need inspiration, reflect on your surroundings. You might find peace and joy in an exquisite photograph of nature's wonders, or beautiful thoughts beautifully expressed. Visualize this on paper, canvas, rock, etc. and you will soon find a way to transfer that vision, that feeling, into a beautiful work of art.

Your surroundings of Nature is not landscape, but the dynamism of visual forces.. an event rather than an appearance. These forces can only be tackled by treating color and form as ultimate identities, freeing them from all descriptive or functional roles.

Immerse Yourself In Your Sensations
Imagine your surroundings as a delicious dish. Take a moment to immerse yourself in your sensations. How does the dish smell or taste? When savoring the dish in your imagination, does it make you want to stretch like a cat, dance disco, or bounce like an excited puppy?

What sounds or music or rhythm could be associated with enjoying your dish? What colors or shape would it be framed by? What feelings does this dish evoke for you -- joy, comfort, sensuality, anticipation? What memories arise as you picture this dish, your art project? Now take a deep breath and bring yourself back to your project's current form. You just reconnected with your art!

Can,you dive right in to your project! If not, what is the missing ingredient and how can you invite it into your life? Your recipe for success is in the doing of your art.

I AM Creative
Just tell yourself, I am Creative! Creativity is not about inventing something totally new, it is about making new synergistic connections. You don't have to be a special kind of person to be creative – everyone can do it. It's not about who you are, it's about what you do. You just need to start looking for multiple solutions rather than settling for just one, and give yourself permission to be playful and inquisitive, flexible and versatile. Although creative people come from varied backgrounds, they all seem to have one thing in common – they love what they are doing.

The good news is that creativity is a skill and a talent that can be learned and developed through practice. By sharpening your thinking skills and exercising your natural creative powers, you can multiply the value of your efforts and rapidly increase the quantity and quality of your rewards.

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