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January 15, 2008

Following Your Gut Instincts

Listen to Your Intuitive Messages
Intuitive messages can come from a variety of avenues. They can come in form of cravings for particular foods. Or words of a stranger we sit next to on the bus. They can come through our night dreams. They might be ideas that pop into our heads while standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes. These messages are available to us more as we learn to listen for them.
When a person first becomes alert to intuitive messages it may seem disturbing not to understand the importance or unimportance of the messages.

Let Go ... Insight Will Come
Sometimes we just don't fully understand what these intuitive flashes mean. It can be quite frustrating when we are GETTING the message, but NOT GETTING any logical reasoning along with it. It is important for you to understand the reason behind any message you will be given that additional information will come eventually. Try not to get bogged down with a NEED TO KNOW. Let it go, explanations come along with intuitive messages on a “need to know basis.
For example: Perhaps your inner guidance tells you to eat avocados. You are willing to eat them, but you wonder "Why Avocados?" You may even explore the Internet to read up on the nutritional value of avocados. But the reason you were given the message to eat avocados didn't have anything to do with nutrition. It was to nudge you to go to the market that day. While there, you bump into a girlfriend from your old neighborhood who introduces you to the man who is to become your life partner. You discover it doesn't really matter if you eat avocados after all. But you might want to serve guacamole dip at your wedding reception as a romantic gesture.

Paying Attention to Your Intuition
When people are first learning to pick up on their intuitive messages they may feel as if they are being sent off on wild goose chase. Sounds like a fair evaluation. But by following through on your everyday hunches, you are actually taking test drives, virtually honing in on your listening skills. These skills will serve you well when the bigger, more important messages need to surface, so pay attention!

Everyone is psychic, but some people have flabby psychic muscles. Learning to listen to your inner dialog tones strengthens this muscle. When we choose to ignore our gut instincts, we are only hurting ourselves. The more you follow the pathway of your intuition the clearer the pathway gets.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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