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February 2, 2008

God's Eye

Are you familiar with the expression of a "bird's eye view". It's when you view things from a bird's perspective; far different than that which you see standing on earth. A bird's eye view allows you to grasp the entire landscape and see the interconnectedness of things that appear separate when you view them from land.

The reason I talk about a "bird's eye view" is because this concept lead me to facilitate a process at my retreat, in which the participants were invited to write about their life from God's perspective. This exercise proved to be one of the most powerful retreat experiences, which is why I'm sharing it with you. Grasping a sense of your life from God's perspective is an invaluable tool for every conscious business owner to consider.

What do you think God would say about your life right now, and where you've been and where you're going? Stop for a moment and reread that sentence again. What do you think God would say about your life right now, and where you've been and where you're going? Interesting perspective to think about, isn't it?

I doubt the thoughts of lack, limitation and doubt wouldn't even enter his mind. Because the one Source (God) is the ultimate unlimited source of all abundance in the world, and that is exactly the perspective he would have on your life; that all things are conspiring for your highest and most divine self-expression in the world.

So, now I invite you into the 4-step process of taking a look at your life from a God's Eye View. Let's get started.

Step 1: Reflect on Your PastTake a moment to reflect on your past. Identify some of the peaks and valleys of your prior experience. Connect with who you've become as a result of all these experiences... the good and the not so good. Look to see how your past experiences have brought you wisdom, strength, love, insight, commitment, passion, conviction, friendship, resourcefulness, resolve, etc. Allow yourself to see the Divine Order of each and every experience.

Step 2: Connect with This MomentNext, allow yourself to connect deeply with this moment, and the life that you are currently living. Embrace all of your current success and dreams along with any challenges that may be showing up in your life right now. Allow yourself to fully appreciate the place that you're at today. And, again, allow yourself to see the Divine Order of each and every experience.

Step 3: Look to Your FutureLook forward on the path that lies ahead of you. Let your imagination flourish as you envision everything your heart desires becoming real for you. Envision your life as it unfolds perfectly, even exceeding your greatest dreams. As you envision your future, leave room for things you can't imagine right now... knowing that God's plan for your life is so much bigger than that which you can see from your human perspective. And again, allow yourself to see the Divine Order of each and every future experience.

Step 4: Write your God's Eye ViewNow, in a space of quietude, perhaps outside in nature, or in front of a glowing candle, review the above three steps. And, begin to write freely about your past, present and future experiences... as if you were God writing about what he sees in (and for) your life. Let your imagination and creativity soar as you envision God's Eye View. In case you are stuck getting started, here's a line you can use to begin the process: "As God, in this elevated perspective, I can see every step of your journey as divinely guided by me. I see..."

Now that you've written the God's Eye View of your life, you can reread it over and over again. Every time you feel stopped, or filled with fear, lack or doubt, you can take out this piece of paper and remind yourself of the perfection of the divine unfolding of your life.

copyright 2007 Christine Kloser
Christine Kloser "The Conscious Business Coach," publishes the revolutionary "Conscious Business Connection" ezine.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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