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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

March 31, 2008

Spring has Sprung!

Since Spring is here and the flowers are blooming, I decided to paint a picture that would inspire you with beauty. This was painted on slate that weighs approximately 13 pounds and is 1 1/2 inches thick.

So let’s hitch up this wagon and ride through the beauty of nature and God’s creations.

The weather is changing and with it brings new critters to grow and flourish. The flowers bloom with such vibrant colors and the birds seem to chirp with delight that the cold gray winter is gone. The young ones hatch from eggs and are introduced to their new world with wonder and excitement.

The sun wakes us up with a big bright smile every morning and the trees fill themselves with green leaves and fruit. We are bathed in sunlight as we walk barefoot, to feel the breeze on our legs and the sun on our arms. Spring reawakens our senses, sounds of birds, rustling leaves and raindrops. The grass so softly tickles our feet, while we bathe in the sunshine and shadow of brilliantly colored flowers. The sweet smell of fresh soil and new blooms is an exhilarating experience. What a beautiful sight it is.

The feel of spring is like a tender kiss. A breath, a touch on your skin encompasses your body with the sweet scent of earth. You walk among the flowers and soak up their colors and fragrances. You enjoy seeing the world as it celebrates another resurrection. All nature seems to be busy now. It has no time to rest but prepare its bouquet of beauty and life. Your praying this is not a dream but reality that Spring is finally among us.

The gray winter skies are a thing of the past and the spring breeze is gently blowing through your hair. All nature seems to prepare for summer since now everything is growing.

I do believe Spring has Sprung

Spring is finally here!

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

March 25, 2008

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Decorating the great outdoors can be fun and easy? Here are two more additions to my RiverRock collection that will awaken any area of your garden.

Garden art like all art is often in the eye of the beholder. A little imagination and a purchase from my collection can surely improve your surroundings with color and bring a smile to your face.

Perhaps, up until this point you have focused mainly on the interior of your home with art decorations. Maybe you haven’t considered garden art, however, think about it. Why do you plant flowers? I believe you plant to bring beauty to your surroundings and color into your life. There is a part of you that enjoys beauty, creativity, and the fulfillment of creating something of your very own.

Well, that’s how I feel when I create the RiverRock Critters. I paint because I truly enjoy it and know that someone somewhere feels the same as I do. Every piece I paint is made especially for someone looking for the artistic presence in their garden or home.


Its spring time so let’s start planning where some of these lovely critters can grace your garden and add color and vibrancy. There are many ways to display your critters. The main thing is to have fun with them and create a story book land of birds, squirrels, lizards, turtles, or whatever suits you’re fancy.

Life can be very stressful, and most of us need a way to relax. The problem is we don’t really get the chance. It seems to be a forgotten art! Ironically many people feel guilty if they take time out to relax and unwind from life’s daily stresses.

In the springtime when the sun is warm, and sky is clear blue, the garden becomes a haven, and it can be your oasis. Escape, to experience a most relaxing past time. Sink in your hammock close your eyes and enjoy what you have created with your hard work and planning.


Your garden will contain both natural and man-made decorative materials. It should be decorated to bring you closer to nature and make you know more about ecology in a practical way. Gardening brings relaxation to mind. It is an art and with art pieces surrounding you it helps gather knowledge from various sources to attain mastery in this field. It also makes your family members and children enjoy their leisure time joyfully in your artfully presented backyard.

So in creating a rock garden of critters, we must aim to secure carefully a selection and grouping, an impression of boldness in the color masses. Nothing is more satisfactory when contemplating any form of garden art, than the feeling that the designer has from the beginning worked with the idea of achieving some definite purpose.

Pauline Libutti , Artist & Writer

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

March 19, 2008

Out Door Rock Art -Step It Up A Notch

The mild winter of Southern Arizona entices part-year residents and “locals” alike to the outdoors where they revel in sunny cool days and ideal conditions for patio living. Yet the landscapes they go out to enjoy might be no more interesting than those left behind under a carpet of snow

However, there is no need to suffer a dull and boring winter landscape. With careful planning, art decoration and plant selection, you can create attractive combinations that glow in the lovely rich light of the cool season.

Since I’m from Southern California I was always surrounded by green trees, beautiful flowers and lush lawns. Now that I have moved to Arizona I decided to give my yard a boost with colorful yard paintings and RiverRock Critters that just seem to make it come alive. The homes out here are mainly landscaped in rock with underground water lines. Since I was surrounded by a large amount of rock I came to ponder why not paint them. Giving Mother Nature a boost I have since transformed the ordinary into something special and memorable. I planted some fruit trees and the plants I chose to place in my yard are starting to bud and paint a picture of desert colors.

These our some art pieces to enhance my yard and give me the look and feel of the animals we share this earth with.

Since my yard is quite big there is plenty of room for lizards, turtles, rabbits, deer, raccoons, birds, and the list goes on. I enjoy painting so this project will be a gift of love to my surroundings and Mother Earth who so graciously gave me the canvas to work on.

There is nothing like creating your own haven with the things you love. A retreat, a quiet place to enjoy the wonders of nature and be thankful we are lucky enough to create our surroundings in any art form we choose. Tranquil, peaceful, a place to rest, a "Place You Can Call Your Own".

Pauline Libutti , Artist & Writer

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

March 11, 2008

Lamb of God Wall Art

I was touched by this picture I ran across and wanted to paint it as inspiration to all that believe in the purity, simplicity, of God himself. In the safety of his arms God holds a baby lamb and the world seems to stand still, he knows he is out of harms way, relaxed, loved, and safe.

I feel I have captured the beauty, serenity, a life like image of the Creator. We are all blessed and no matter how harsh life may be remember the faith we carry within us. Everyone believes in something or someone and this carries us to the next level of our being.

This RiverRock Wall Art measures 8 ½ x 10 ½ and would be a beautiful gift for someone of faith and who desires to take their particular situation to a higher level of prayer and guidance. This image is to create faith, hope and charity into your daily lives.

Remember in the Bible God was referred to as the Lamb of God. But why did John the Baptist say that Jesus was a lamb? If you have read the stories about Adam and Eve; Cain and Abel; Abraham and Isaac; the death of the firstborn of Egypt; and the one which tells about the priests of Israel and how they served God in the tabernacle. If you have, you will remember that lambs were sacrificed.

In his agony, this soul trouble, as He looked toward the Cross, answers the question: "Why did Christ die?" He did not die, as we die, because He had sinned, but He died for our sins, the Just for the unjust. He died as the Lamb of God, the holy, spotless Lamb of God, to take away the sins of the world. He knew, going to that Cross, there would come, while hanging there, three hours during which the sun would hide his face, and in that awful darkness He Who knew no sin would be made sin. Sin, that horrible, hateful thing, would be put then upon Him, not by man, but by God Himself.

Christ died for our sins! Here is our salvation; here is our peace; here is our hope of eternal glory!

Lamb of God Wall Art
Size: 8 1/2 x 11 1/2
The item sells for $45.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock

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