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Rock Art Painting and Wall Art Paintings

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River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

March 19, 2008

Out Door Rock Art -Step It Up A Notch

The mild winter of Southern Arizona entices part-year residents and “locals” alike to the outdoors where they revel in sunny cool days and ideal conditions for patio living. Yet the landscapes they go out to enjoy might be no more interesting than those left behind under a carpet of snow

However, there is no need to suffer a dull and boring winter landscape. With careful planning, art decoration and plant selection, you can create attractive combinations that glow in the lovely rich light of the cool season.

Since I’m from Southern California I was always surrounded by green trees, beautiful flowers and lush lawns. Now that I have moved to Arizona I decided to give my yard a boost with colorful yard paintings and RiverRock Critters that just seem to make it come alive. The homes out here are mainly landscaped in rock with underground water lines. Since I was surrounded by a large amount of rock I came to ponder why not paint them. Giving Mother Nature a boost I have since transformed the ordinary into something special and memorable. I planted some fruit trees and the plants I chose to place in my yard are starting to bud and paint a picture of desert colors.

These our some art pieces to enhance my yard and give me the look and feel of the animals we share this earth with.

Since my yard is quite big there is plenty of room for lizards, turtles, rabbits, deer, raccoons, birds, and the list goes on. I enjoy painting so this project will be a gift of love to my surroundings and Mother Earth who so graciously gave me the canvas to work on.

There is nothing like creating your own haven with the things you love. A retreat, a quiet place to enjoy the wonders of nature and be thankful we are lucky enough to create our surroundings in any art form we choose. Tranquil, peaceful, a place to rest, a "Place You Can Call Your Own".

Pauline Libutti , Artist & Writer

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