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February 8, 2008

Psychic Readings, Nonsense or Not?

What’s the deal with psychic readings? Are they total nonsense, or is there some actual substance behind the mystique? Most of the readings I received were your basic garden variety Tarot card readings, but I’ve also received angel readings, numerology readings, intuitive readings, and a few others I’ve long since forgotten. I went in with an open mind, but I can’t say it was a very memorable reading.

Con Artist

I found that the quality of the readings varied tremendously. The most important factor was the person giving the reading. Some so-called psychics are not remotely psychic. The worst are dreadful con artists. Those are the ones where you pay for a cheap basic reading, and during that brief period they tell you have some serious spiritual problem, and lucky for you, they just happen to know how to fix it. You’ll find bad apples like these in any industry. Fortunately, I’ve only encountered one person like this in the past decade. Most of the readers I’ve been to would never stoop to that level — to cheat people goes against everything they hold sacred.

Psychic Validation

Generally when you get a reading, the first thing you’re looking for is some kind of validation. You’re thinking, “Prove to me you’re psychic, so I have a reason to listen to you.” Obviously you have to watch out for the general fluff that could be interpreted as applying to almost everyone. When a psychic tells you, “You’re feeling depressed,” that isn’t validation. Validation is when she tells you the name of your grandfather or accurately describes what kind of dog you own (when you didn’t reveal you even owned a dog). Validation can also come in the form of synchronicities; for example, the psychic may throw out the name of an obscure book you just happened to be reading. Another form of validation is when the psychic is able to describe your current life situation accurately as well as the specific challenges you’re dealing with. Many psychics don’t have the ability to consistently pick up specific names; that’s actually a fairly rare skill. But normally you’ll get some kind of validation that tells you she’s the real deal. Validation isn’t necessarily a separate phase of the reading in terms of its chronology; it can come at the beginning, at the end, or anywhere in between. It can also gradually accumulate throughout the reading, intermingled with the psychic’s advice.

Validation builds trust. When you get a reading from someone you’ve never met, you have no reason to trust that what they say is accurate, especially if it pertains to your future. But when you get some decent validation, you’re more likely to be open to the psychic’s advice. If I got a reading from someone new and I saw no form of validation, I’d give very little credibility to anything that person said.

Psychic Intelligence

Just because someone offers psychic readings doesn’t mean they have a high degree of psychic intelligence. In my experience though, if someone manages to give a really accurate reading once, it’s probably not a fluke. They’ll usually be able to duplicate that same level of quality again.
Every psychic reader does their readings a little differently. Some get their info intuitively. Others do it by communicating with guides or angels (theirs or yours). Others use divination tools like Tarot cards. And some use a combination. Any approach can work — it just depends on the style and preference of the psychic.

Predicting the Future

In my experience psychic readings are rarely about trying to accurately predict the future. The problem with predicting the future is that we have the free will to change it. So if a psychic tells you about your future, even if she’s right at the time you get the reading, you can still change it. I generally regard psychic readings as a read of current energies and their momentum. Think of it as a snapshot of where you’re likely headed based on your current situation.

Psychic who are Worth the Money

Obviously, if you’re going to pay for a reading, you want it to be a good one. So how do you find a psychic who’s worth the money? I suggest you do the same thing you’d do with any other professional you wanted to hire. Ask for a recommendation from someone you know. It’s really no different than if you wanted to find a decent gardener, plumber, or lawyer. If you dive in randomly, you might get lucky, but you’ll most likely find someone mediocre.

What’s the Point of a Psychic Reading

What’s the point of getting a reading anyway, especially if the accuracy can vary a lot? I find the best situation for getting readings is when I’m experiencing a lack of clarity and I’m having a difficult time understanding the road ahead.

What I find useful about getting a reading isn’t that it tells me what I’m about to do next. Again, a real reading isn’t really like that because we still have free will. What a reading can do, however, is give you clarity about your options. Most of the time it helps me clarify what I think I know but still am not quite sure about. Almost always the culprit causing the lack of clarity is some hidden fear or limiting belief. And getting a reading helps me see that fear for what it is and then root it out.

The Reason to get a Psychic Reading

If you happen to harbor a pre-existing belief that psychic readings are phony, fraudulent, evil, or something of that nature, then don’t bother getting a reading — you’ll just waste your time and money and probably annoy the psychic as well.

The reason to get psychic readings is if they’re genuinely helpful. If you try a few readings, and you find them utterly worthless even with psychics that others swear are excellent, then don’t bother continuing. I find that occasional intuitive readings from a psychic with her heart in the right place are a very useful personal development tool. Plus I find readings to be a very pleasant experience.

Taking advantage of psychic readings may be less socially acceptable than other forms of problem-solving assistance, but my preference is to judge by results. If it works for me, I don’t concern myself with what social norms I’ve violated. When I try something new and the results are zero or negative, I drop it and try something else. You need to decide for yourself what’s best for you.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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