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February 5, 2008

Healing Mother Earth

We are very much part of the Earth, on a physical and a subtle level, so the health of ourselves and the Earth are very connected. The work we do with the Earth Mother helps us with our own healing and with the healing of those around us. Our bodies have meridians and an auric field, and so too does the Earth. The Earth's meridians are known as leylines or energy lines. These lines pass through sacred sites and places of power - energy vortexes which resemble the acupoints and chakras within our subtle body. These lines and vortexes are patterns within the Earth's energy field, which can be compared to our own auric field.

Earth healing is not about trying to heal a being that is much vaster than ourselves. It is about healing ourselves. All of us are, along with the animals, vegetables, minerals, liquids, and gases, a collective planetary being.

We can all be a part of that healing and by doing so, help in healing the Earth Mother. All that is required is your conscious, focused attention on healing. She will respond by expanding, becoming clearer and realigning. The work we do with the Earth Mother will often cause birds to sing where they haven't before. Vegetation will grow more, and there will be an increase in social harmony. Through focused thought or meditation, we can also radiate positive energies outwards to help uplift the consciousness of all beings - locally and globally. We can make a difference.

Please lend your energy by simply saying a prayer or focusing your energy on the healing of the Earth in general and specific sites in particular. Your intent to help is what is important.

Mother Earth is a wonderous and Sacred gift, so we must always remember to walk softly upon her, living in Balance with Nature…

This is my Hope

We must learn to walk in balance
sacred steps to take
Weaving peace and understanding
through all that we create
A tapestry of love and light
finest threads of gold
Sacred flame ever burning bright
through all that we behold
When we learn to walk in balance
the healing will take place
The healing of this earth our mother
the healing of the human race
A tapestry of love and light finest threads of gold
sacred flame ever burning bright
through all that we behold. -- Denean

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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