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February 4, 2008

A Tale of the Dream Catcher

One native legend tells of Grandmother Thought Woman, a Spirit Being. To help guide the people, she asked the willow tree for a branch, which she bent and bound until it formed a perfect circle, representing the unending cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

From the mighty eagle, Grandmother Thought Woman took a single feather and suspended it from the circle.

Then she transformed herself into Grandmother Spider Woman and wove a beautiful and protective web of fate in the circle.

She placed a single stone in the middle of the web. The stone was a symbolic connection to the Creative Force, clarity, peace, and communication.

Grandmother Thought Woman then gave the Dream Catcher to the people and explained, "Hang the Dream Catcher above where you sleep, and it will sort all your dreams.

The good dreams will pass through and bring joy. The bad dreams will be caught in the web, turn to dew, and drip down the feather, which will cleanse the dream.

It will then return it to Mother Earth, where it will never disturb you again."

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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