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February 6, 2008

Travel Brings Us To Nature

We travel through Nature. We travel with Nature. We discover Nature, in its magnificence, in its brilliant, radiant message. In all of its rich and wild glory, we are overwhelmed in its presence. We are blissfully overjoyed.

We are Nature’s Witness

We encounter the power of nature, its awesome abundance and diversity. We experience its majesty, its splendor. Its enormity, scope, height, depth, expanse. Its hold on time, its permanence, and impermanence. Bastion of the secrets of time.We behold nature's hospitality, its simple nurturing. Providing us with what we need. The shade of its splendid branches. A warm fire. A cave in which to spend the night. Clear spring water. Fresh fish. We celebrate what we have. Plenty. Nature's caring hands. Travel’s watchful eye.

Nature stops us, obliges us to think, to ponder, to appreciate its inviting display. Nature forces us to acknowledge, value, love, treasure. Someone else's environment, someone else's landscape, someone else's garden. Somebody else's grand backyard. Our environment, our landscape, our garden. Our grand backyard. Nature is gratitude.

Travel’s Positive Power

In the course of my numerous wanderings, I have seen how travel has informed and empowered my life as well as the lives of my fellow travelers. I have witnessed the extent of travel's positive power, the magnitude of its enriching and healing capabilities. Beyond its refreshing and revitalizing qualities, travel has the unmatched capacity to be a wellspring of self-discovery and personal growth, a path to ourselves.

Travel is and will continue to be a powerful but precious gift. However, as worldwide travel increases, so do the pressures on both our physical and cultural environments. Continue to respect our world, its people, its places, its animals, and its landscape. Continue to respect nature. Continue to respect our differences. We owe that to ourselves, to each other and to the generations yet to be.

Whether we're traveling to the farthest corners of the Earth or to the next village, whether we're going for a couple of days or a year, the power of travel awaits. Make the time. Make the space. Live the power of travel.

Copyright © Steve Zikman

"There is no other door to knowledge than the door Nature opens; and there is no truth except the truths we discover in Nature.” --Luther Burbank

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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