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February 8, 2008

What is Divine Manifesting?

What is Divine Manifesting?

Divine Manifesting happens when you contact your Divine Self .

You are always manifesting, in every moment, with every choice and decision you make, with every reaction, thought, and feeling, and with every desire you set about fulfilling. With Divine Manifesting, your Divine Self is expressing Itself through all the forms and circumstances in your life. You create based on the vision and inspiration of your Divine Self. What you have in your life right now has been created from the state of consciousness you live in. As you move into a higher state of consciousness, what you have in your life will reflect this.

Experience Beauty, Joy, Aliveness, and Freedom
With Divine Manifesting, you can express and experience the beauty, joy, aliveness, freedom, and light of your Divine Self in every area of your life. There is nothing your Divine Self cannot change or create. As you contact It and surrender to It you can become a master of manifesting.

You can become magnetic to all you need
To become a master of manifesting, you need to find the inner space from which all Divine Manifesting work is done–a center of illumination and stillness, of contact with the highest of worlds, and the peace and stillness of Consciousness Itself. From this space, your Divine Self pours its light into your heart center, which becomes like a magnet that organizes and draws to you opportunities, opens the way, and makes you magnetically attractive to favorable conditions, forms, circumstances, and results. Your Divine Self assists you in drawing in, focusing, and distributing spiritual energies that transform your personality and your life.

Creating A Life You Love
You do not need to tolerate forms and circumstances that do not serve you! You do not need to feel trapped, to live a daily life you do not enjoy, to sacrifice peace and happiness, or to accept less than you really want and deserve. Divine Manifesting is not about compromising; it is about creating a life you love, with satisfying relationships, pleasurable activities, and joyful work. It involves drawing beneficial forms and circumstances into your life, creating a life of joy, love, harmony, peace, inspiration, wholeness, and freedom.

The light pouring through your heart center from your Divine Self, contacted in the stillness, can repel all hindering, imprisoning energies and forms. It brings order, organization, and Its rhythm into your life. It repels all that is chaotic, insubstantial, or comes from lesser desires, attachments, tendencies, and the pull of the material world and mass consciousness. It reveals new aspects of beauty, and allows you to move forward into the light and out of stuck places.

You can experience blessings in every moment
With Divine Manifesting, you find the opportunity for joy, aliveness, beauty, and blessings that each moment offers. You surrender your expectations, let go of pushing and trying to make things happen, and open to all that is being offered to you in every moment.

With Divine Manifesting, you create with precision the forms and structures in your life that are beautiful, stable, reflect Divine Will, and that perfectly serve their purpose. There is an effortless flow of drawing in, creating, bringing to fruition, and then letting go without attachment of what you have created, opening to the next new forms.

Your Divine Self sends you all you need in every moment
Trust that whatever you need will be provided when you need it. Know your Divine Self is always reaching out to you with Its many gifts of consciousness and providing you with everything you need in every moment–all the guidance, understanding, peace, grace, and the power to clear all distracting energies.

Begin now to do those things that call to your heart
When you manifest as your Divine Self, you live in harmony with the universe. You make choices in every moment that put you on an upward spiral, that add to your energy and sense of aliveness. You have an environment that supports you. You do those things that call to your heart, live the dreams within you, and know with certainty that you can create the life you want. You have the strength, courage, and trust in your inner vision to sustain it and bring it about.

Start now to become a master of manifesting through calling upon and opening to all your Divine Self has for you. It is this Self that is the authority by which all energy is set into motion and directed to all good results.

Use Manifesting Tools & Imagery

Using imagery and other manifestation tools like books and affirmations is a great way to keep your thoughts focused towards your goals. These great manifestation tools are also a perfect way to strenghthen your spiritual practices and increase your successes in your daily meditations. When the mind becomes scattered and chaotic, simply refocus your thoughts and eyes on your image or animal totem or object that most resonates with you. Here are some great tools to assist you in the process of divine manifestation. Follow this link to browse which manifestation tool works best for you!

Go to http://www.riverrockcritters.com/ now!

Abridged: Orindaben.com
Lisa Libutti, http://www.relaxmusic.tv/
Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.

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