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December 16, 2007

Why Do We Craft?

You Are Talented, Creative and Expressive
There are many people who just love to dabble in crafts. But why? Is is for fame? Money? Endorsements? No, we feel it's for the sheer enjoyment of being challenged, to feel relaxed and for a small moment in time you feel you are talented, creative and expressive. We like the process of thinking of an idea, designing it, making it, and seeing if maybe someone else likes it as much as we do.

Connected To The Source
Through this process we feel we are connected to the infinite source of creative energy. But unlike the rest of creation, we work awfully hard to suppress it. Birds sing, wolves howl, crickets chirp. Why? They do it because they are alive. They do it because life is about making things...Turn away from judment and negative theories about your worth, and seize each day with enthusiasm. Enjoy your craft and what you are able to acomplish which in the end really makes you feel good about yourself.

Take Baby Steps
Remember, life is not a dress rehersal. There is only one go around here so if you don't pursue your passion, then when? Give yourself time, take baby steps exploring what happens and acquiring knowledge. You didn't learn to use words in a week, it took years to aquire perfection in lanquage and speech. The same is due for your creativity side, but pursue it with the same persistence, determination, and fascination.

Something To Think About
Here is something to think about. A truth that challenges a common assumption: that the most important thing about creating art is the painting. The painting is not the most important thing. Yes, it may win us a prize or even make us a living. It might even make us famous. But even more important than the painting we create is what happens to us when we complete it.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRockCritters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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