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January 16, 2008

Talavera Mexican Art

Talavera: Traditional Mexican Pottery
Talavera is a Majolica tin-enameled earthenware made in Puebla. This world-renowned hand-painted pottery comes in various forms, including both functional and decorative items such as plates, serving dishes, vases and tiles.

The native people of Mexico had a long tradition of making pottery. With the arrival of the Spaniards the contact between these two traditions resulted in exquisite new styles, the Spaniards introducing the wheel and tin-based glaze and the native Mexicans providing skilled labor and ingenuity. It is believed that the particular techniques for making this type of Majolica pottery were introduced in Puebla by immigrants from Talavera de la Reina, Spain.

In 1653 a potter’s guild was formed and ordinances were laid down regulating the production of Talavera. Between 1650 and 1750 the production of Talavera was at its height. Originally, Talavera was white and blue. In the 18th Century new colors were introduced and green, orange and yellow began to be used.

How Talavera Mexican Art is Made:
The basic process for making Talavera has remained the same since the 16th Century, though there have been changes in the shapes of pottery made and the style of decoration. Talavera pottery is made with two kinds of clay, a dark clay and a light, slightly rose-colored clay. Both of these clays come from the state of Puebla.

Talavera Mexican Art Authenticity:
Authentic talavera can be distinguished from imitations by the raised design and high gloss of the surface finish. There are fewer than 20 workshops producing authentic Talavera. In order to be certified these workshops have to pass an inspection and verification process every six months.

This artistic painting from Mexico inspired me to paint the Talavera style on to RiverRock reflecting their vibrant colors and patterns. Please visit my website, RiverRock Critters to see some of the Talavera Rock Art Paintings I created.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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