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September 1, 2008


Newly crowned national bird, the Hoopoe, may not be kosher or particularly hygienic, but it is fit for a king. The Hoopoe is Israel's national bird.

Due to its association with King Solomon, the bird is traditionally viewed in a positive light. According to Jewish folklore (as well as the Koran), the hoopoe helped lead King Solomon to the Queen of Sheba. Unsure about the queen's purity and motives, Solomon confided in the bird and trusted its advice. The king also praised the hoopoe's observation techniques and called it "wise."

If you noticed an orange/pink, unusual looking bird with a striking crest on its head you had probably been lucky to have seen the Hoopoe, a stunning migratory visitor. The Hoopoe is quite an unmistakable bird, it has bright orange plumage, and it flies rather like a woodpecker and has a striking orange crest, black and white markings along with a long, slender and pointed beak.

The Hoopoe can generally be seen on garden lawns strutting comically, searching for worms and other small insects which are its favorite food. The Hoopoe is a relative of the kingfisher family and is a frequent summer visitor to the Mediterranean, migrating to the tropics in winter.
The Hoopoe's bright colors, sweeping flight pattern and orange crest makes it a striking feature.

The Hoopoe's crest can be raised when the bird is alerted and makes for an unusual spectacle during the spring and summer months when they are more visible.

The Hoopoe's call is what has given the bird its name, as it makes a "Hoo - poo" sound and the Hoopoe's call symbolizes the arrival of spring. Curiously, even the Chinese regard the bird as being a messenger of springtime. In Islam the Hoopoe has close links with King Solomon, who reputedly spoke with animals and the French call ignorant, unintelligent people "Hoopoes" as they consider the bird to be slightly stupid.

Size: 5 x 7 canvas (not framed)
This item sells for $75.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock

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