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Rock Art Painting and Wall Art Paintings

RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

November 12, 2008

Magic Eyes

When you were small faith was an easy task

Adventures await just beyond the looking glass

I wish upon you 'Magic eyes' that saw the world filled with rainbow skies

Every touch was pure and oh so new

The world's cruel truth unknown to you

Unquestioned trust, you would place your hand in mine

And blindly follow me through the ends of time

With 'Magic eyes' you would look upon my face

Innocence alive within that perfect place

Seasons past and time is now old

Flowers wilted and the air has turned cold

You look at me but can no longer see

The hero you once saw in me

Heavy heart and broken smiles

River of tears that flows for miles

I watch you as you silently slip away

And try and hold onto you another day

Alas, winter's bitter winds float upon a tongue of lies

Stealing all that is innocent from within your 'Magic Eyes'.

author Donna MontoyaRauh

Size: 8 x 10 canvas (not framed)
This item sells for $475.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters

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