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Rock Art Painting and Wall Art Paintings

RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 26, 2009

Chipper (My Angel)

This is a Pet Portrait I did of my dog Chipper ( Papillion) who has crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. Feisty as he was beautiful, he will always be in my heart. This is my dedication to the little companion I was blessed with for thirteen years.

Animals teach us in a variety of ways about behavior, habit, and instinct.

House pets embody an unconditional love that remains unchanged in the face of our shape, size, age, race, or gender. They care little for the differences between us and them and simply enjoy loving and being loved.

Our pets encourage us to let our guards down, have fun, and take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy life. You can also learn lessons from the animals you encounter if you take the time to observe their habits. Animals show us adaptability and sensitivity to one’s environment.

Mammals serve as examples of nurturing and playfulness. Animals that live in oceans, lakes, and rivers demonstrate the value of movement and grace. It is even possible to learn from insects that live in highly structured communities that everyone plays a vital role.

Animals teach us about life, death, survival, sacrifice, and responsibility. If you find yourself drawn to a particular animal, ask yourself which of its traits you find most intriguing and think about how you might mimic those traits. Think of what you might learn from observing the little bird on your windowsill or the mosquito buzzing around a picnic table.

Animals express themselves with abandon, freedom, and integrity. It’s natural to be drawn to the wisdom offered by our animal teachers, and in doing so, discover what is natural and true within you.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 20, 2009

I'm A Big Girl Now

I’m a Big Girl now and ready to ride

A cowgirl of sorts high energy inside

My horse is white and loves me so

He will take me on trails high and low

I know I can ride Mom taught me well

I feel the excitement in me swell

I’m a big girl now I shout an yell

I tried so hard to mount my horse

But I think he grew to my remorse

Maybe tomorrow I’ll be bigger then

With determination I’ll try again

Tomorrow will come to my pleasant surprise

I know for a fact I’ll ride waving goodbyes

Author Pauline Libutti

Size: 8 x 10 canvas (not framed)
This item sells for $175.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 15, 2009

Spirit Dove

The gentle drafts do lift me high,

And I fly height yet again,

Into the stars to heavens gate,

With Timbre Winds I gently glide

On thermal drafts this flight I take,

Will lead me to your side,

I perch on top of heavens gate,

As timbre Winds blow by,

So patiently I do wait,

I let out a mournful cry,

He hears my call and turns around,

A hand to me he lends,

I then take flight without a sound,

On Silent Wing with Timbre Winds

author unknown

Size: 8 x 10 canvas (not framed)
This item sells for $175.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 8, 2009

Lil' Cricket

I wish I were a star

Shining so bright

Hiding in the blue clouds

I would play all night

I wish I were a flower Happy and gay

When the wind would blow

I would gently sway

I wish I were a fish

Living in the deep

In the fresh water

I would jump and leap

But still I am happy

There is a reason to be

I am the only one around

And no one can be me

A. Agarwal

Size: 8 x 10 canvas (not framed)
This item sells for $175.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 5, 2009

Little Girl Dreams

Between the planes of consciousness

There lies a place so sweet

Where chocolate bars grow thick on trees

And children never weep

Where dreams come true most every day

And skies are always blue

Donald Duck, he lives next door

With his friend, Winnie The Pooh

No need for rules or traffic cops

No jails, no doctors shots

No illness ever crossed this land

No child has ‘ere got spots

Moms and Dads are always near

And gentle is their touch

They always wear their happy face

And boy! this means so much

The weather never turns too cold,

Nor does the sun burn hot

Instead each day is perfect here

A perfect picnic spot

by Sandi L Schraut

Size: 8 x 10 canvas (not framed)
This item sells for $75.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters

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