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December 26, 2007

Lifes Purpose

Finding Your Lifes Purpose
Finding your life purpose and your deepest life intentions can help you to move with greater focus and clarity every day of your life. There are many ways to find and develop life purpose and intentions. You need to analyze yourself and ask yourself what will inspire me to be all that I can be and to lead an ever richer, fuller life.

Write Down Your Purpose
Spend time finding and developing your life purpose and intentions, remember that this is an evolving process. Nothing needs to be set in stone. One day write down your purpose, review it and then set it aside. When you go back to it look over what you have written, you may find new wording that better expresses what it is you really want deep down. Or one of your life intentions may no longer feel so important, while another surfaces to take its place.

Unlike goals, which are future oriented, life intentions are for the present moment. They can change in accordance with changes and new realizations inside of you. When you live life to its fullest, you are a constantly developing a work of art.

Aligning Yourself
Adopting some form of doing what’s best for all may be one of your primary intentions. By aligning yourself with what’s best for all who share this world with us, you open to feeling more connected with the world and with everyone around you. And don't be surprised if you find your life becoming filled with ever more joy and meaning.

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