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January 19, 2008

Ruby Jewelry & Gemstones

Ancient Belief of Ruby Gemstones
Ancient Orientals believed that the ruby contained a spark of life -- "a deep drop of the heart's blood of Mother Earth" Eastern legends called ruby a “lamp stone” as it was self-luminous. It is said that once an emperor of China lighted his chamber with a large ruby & it glowed as bright as day.

Ruby is the red variety of the corundum mineral, ranks 9 on Mohs scale, sharing status with sapphire as the hardest gem after diamond. It is considered as one of the most valuable gemstone on our earth. With a wonderful color, excellent hardness & an overwhelming brilliance, ruby has been a much desired precious stone.

Meaning of Ruby Gemstones
The gemstone ruby represents the sun, ruler of all planets. Sun represents authority, power, self, body & health. The wearer of ruby enjoys wealth & property, name & fame in the political sphere & overall prosperity. He becomes virile and his will power and spirit is strengthened. He occupies a respected position in the society & is blessed with a son.

Ruby is the birthstone for the month of July and also for zodiac sign of Leo. It increases energy levels and will stimulate love if worn close to the heart. It protects sensitive natures, health and wealth, controls passion, stimulates blood circulation, gives calm sleep and takes away nightmares.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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