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April 6, 2008

Totems In Your Garden

The Animal Kingdom is a diverse and magical world. When we open our hearts to the Oneness of all life, we see that every species has the potential to be a brother, a sister, an ally or a significant teacher. For this reason, there is considerable power at play when animals appear in Dreamtime. The encounter itself has the capacity to manifest change, deep within our psyche. Animal totems can impart a potent vibratory impact on our energy field. So we need to be more attentive as we brave the journey across our spiritual path. In fact, the simple presence of an animal totem reminds us that we have the innate ability to navigate new territory, to absorb complex and challenging lessons, and to realize wisdom and inner peace when important cycles of change unfold in our personal lives. When we implement the ways of an animal totem, we absorb the insight of its inherent medicine. The goal is to watch ever so carefully as we observe the animals that reveal their presence in our dream and waking worlds. Once again, being in awareness is the key while the inter-play is all about creating deeper healing on a soul level.


The rabbit totem is an instrument of magic and good luck. Her gifts are spontaneity, alacrity and agility. Likewise, her path guides us to go forward with positive anticipation, for rabbit brings success to all endeavors. Rabbit is also a symbol of reproduction and abundance. The lesson is to create joy and faithfulness within our friendships. Finally, rabbit teaches us to overcome our fears as we take a conscious leap into new territory.


They have keen sense of vibrations from the ground, excellent hearing and sharp eyesight enables them to detect the slightest movement. One fascinating ability lizards have, is being able to break off their tails to escape predators. As their tail is writhing, it distracts the predator so the lizard can make its escape. Unfortunately, a lizard can only do this once because the tail grows back cartilage instead of vertebrae.

In myths and lore, Lizard is associated with dreaming. Dreams awaken our unconscious mind and make us aware of issues we haven't been ready to face in our conscious lives. Lizard appears when we need to analyze our present reality and brings the message for immediate change in some area or areas of our life. This change can represent letting go of old ideas or negative behaviors which endanger our growth.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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