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December 26, 2007

Affirming Your Life

Sometimes, affirming your creativity means first affirming your life. Affirming your life can happen in a variety of ways, but works best when it's an action you initiate through the belief that no matter what kind of adoration or popularity other humans experience, your life, your experiences, and your creative expressions count just as much as everyone else's in the endless ether sphere of human potential. Steps to success include having direction, remaining focused and taking action.

Without inspiration, the obvious tools of creative production are of little use. Sparks that ignite creativity are found everywhere, and can arise from unrelated sources in the most unlikely places.

New information triggers a desire to explore, that it will somehow link back to original ideas that will resurface with a difference taking us closer to a desired goal. The journey of discovery may be quite frustrating but there are ways to negotiate this creative path, which is often quite erratic. Persistence, and a thirst for the knowledge, may help fill in the gaps and give direction.

Abridged by: RiverRockCritters.com
© Lyne Marshall 2007

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