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January 19, 2008

African Art & Paintings

African Art: Colorful Native Artwork
One of the biggest contradictions in the art world is with African art. This is because African art is among the most colorful of all native artwork in the world and yet this style of art comes from the 'dark continent' of Africa.

African paintings can depict life in Africa with village scenes involving people doing everyday activities such as cooking, caring for their children and playing. Of course, there are paintings of the majestic wildlife found in Africa including lions, elephants, giraffes, tigers, and rhinos. Some African art are quite realistic while some are very abstract. However, both are very inspiring showing just how proud African artists are of their homeland.

Collecting African Tribal Masks
Some of the most highly sought after pieces among collectors of African artwork are the African tribal masks. There are masks used for ceremonies, rituals, battle and for telling stories. African tribal masks can signify such diverse characteristics such as courage, strength, protection, peace, fertility, honor and wisdom. There are even tribal masks of African animals such as elephants, zebras, cougars and antelopes.

Artisans in Africa create a wide variety of carvings, sculptures and statues from different mediums. Pieces can be made from wood, clay and different types of metal. Subjects of African carvings include both people and animals. Actual African carvings and sculptures can be stand alone pieces or as wall carvings.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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