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April 10, 2008

The Chinese Year of the Rabbit

February 6, 1999 - February 4, 2000

For all the Rabbit lovers and animal advocates I decided to paint the above piece that depicts a soft, cuddly, critter, hiding in the flowers. He seems to be alert, but cautious, and oh so quiet as he watches the new day unfold before him. This art piece has been painted on a stepping stone that weighs approximately 13 pounds. If you like this piece I can paint it in a smaller version on wood or rock.

The Sign of the Rabbit

If you are born under the Chinese sign of the Rabbit, you will make a great diplomat! Rabbits are clean and neat, quiet and often softly spoken. They dislike conflict and will go to great lengths to avoid conflict. They thrive in tranquil, harmonious settings and become unhappy in noisy, argumentative company.

People born under this sign develop good diplomatic skills and they are good at calming heated emotions. They are often thrown into the kind of unsettled situations they so dislike precisely because they have the skills to make peace.

Rabbits are not ambitious; they rather have a comfortable life, but if necessary readily accept responsibility. Rabbit people are know for their good taste and their homes will be immaculate and well maintained.

Chinese Zodiac

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up. To show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Pauline Libutti

Artist & Writer

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