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April 19, 2008

Fox Cub

The Fox Totem teaches us about feminine magic, this does not imply that it is a totem for women only. Both men and women who have a Fox as their totem are being told to stay in touch with the feminine side of their character and personality. If you're attracted to the Fox, you would have a better understanding of your need to develop your feminine side.

Fox comes out of hiding at dusk-twilight the time that is magic when the doors to the fairy kingdom open. If you have a fondness for fairies, elves, and gnomes, the "little people" and sprits, fox is working on you. Its keen eyesight also has the ability to see movement and objects on the very edges of the field of vision. Those with active fox medicine can often see Spirit and the beings "between worlds". If this is an ability that you would like to develop, practice at twilight and call upon Fox for energy to help you.

The ears and tail of the Fox have messages for you. The ears help the animal to keep cool in the summer as they expel body heat through the ears. If you're too warm; pull your hair away from your ears; if you're too cold; let your hair cover your ears. The tail acts as a portable blanket to keep the nose and feet warm. The tail also says that you have the ability to protect yourself from unpleasant and uncomfortable situations and relationships.

The Fox also has a highly developed sense of smell, and you may be very aware of smells, odors and their subtle differences. You are also alert to unpleasant situations and /or danger because something just "doesn't smell right.

While the actual body of the Fox is very small, the mass of hair that protects it gives the impression of greater bulk. The hair varies in color tones and textures much like the human hair as their “crowning glory”.

Such a tiny animal to carry so many teachings. Study the Fox. It can help change your life in many ways.

This RiverRock Art piece reflects the innocence of the fox cub, laying down among leaves and rock. Curious, yet alert to his surroundings. This would make a lovely addition to your yard or home. A great gift for the animal lover in your life.

Fox Cub Rock Art
Size: 8 x 5 1/2
Weighs 6lbs. 7ozs.
The item sells for $50.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock

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