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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

May 28, 2008

Forest Princess

I have always loved fantasy, fairies, and dragon stories. We all had the beautiful prince and princesses in our childhood memories and in that moment in time we believed. I wanted to paint a princess that is a Forest Princess. Most of our stories for children elaborated on the scary forest, the dark forest but never truly explained the magic and charm of the forest.

So I introduce to you the Forest Princess whose beauty and charm decorates nature with peace, calm, serenity and protection. The woods carry many secrets and only if you enter will you find the beauty and safety in her hands. It’s sad to say there are so few delicate forests left that grace our lands today.

The Fairy Princess awaits at the gate only welcoming those who have faith and believe in the magic that she creates. For the woods are her beauty, her protection, her love of art and it is here that all mankind can rest, and meditate, and enjoy the wonders she has created.

So let’s take a moment and go back to our innocence, our childhood, where there was no pressure, no responsibility, no cares, just a time of wonder, magic, and miracles.

This is a RiverRock miniature that measures 5 x 7 and hand painted on a wooden plaque. This art piece is $100.00.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

May 26, 2008

The Scavenger

This was a fun project to paint. A friend of mind who takes beautiful photographs of various animals took a photograph of a vulture in Canada. Not a real popular critter but I decided to paint him since I thought he had alot of character and beautiful hues of color.

This has been hand painted on 5 x 7 wood wall plaque. This is truly a nice art piece for someone who loves birds of all species. This art piece is $100.00.

The vulture is a very powerful totem. Its cycle of power is year-round. If you have a Vulture as a spirit guide or totem, it can show you how to use energy powerfully and efficiently. It glides effortlessly on the winds, soaring to extraordinary heights while using little or no energy. The Vulture skillfully employs already existing air currents against the pull of gravity, symbolizing the distribution of energy so that gravity (or cares) does not weigh it down. In the process the vulture does not use its own energy, but the energies of the Earth instead--- or the Natural Order of Things --- being ONE of the mainstay sources in The Power of the Shaman. A very valuable lesson.

The Vulture is the symbol of death and rebirth, the mother symbol, and represents purification. For those with this totem, you will be noticed more for what you do than how you appear.

Vulture or Condor teaches us how to soar above our limitations.

This Totem is a permanent totem; once it enters your life it will be with you always, through your numerous lifetimes.

You may start to see auras and colors around people;
Vulture can help teach you how to accomplish this through patience and vision.
Vultures teach you how to soar without using much energy,
How to ride the thermal winds instead of flapping.
Go with the flow. Use your own energy powerfully and efficiently.

Vulture is associated with the sense of smell and aromatherapy is a good tool to use to connect with this Totem.

The Vulture promises us that no matter how difficult things are at the moment, rescue and change are imminent.

Soar above the drudgeries of every day life through spirit.
And Vulture/Condor is there to protect you in this journey.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

May 24, 2008

Hunter - The Bird Dog

The Labrador retriever is a beautiful, strongly built dog breed with a sound, athletic, well-balance conformation. Bred to a working gun dog, the Lab is designed to function for long hours and distances in varying terrains with the purpose of retrieving water fowl and upland game. Designed to be adept in the water, the Labrador includes a short, dense water resistant coat, webbed toes and an otter style tail for advaned swimming abilities.

The labs loving, gentle, intelligent nature makes them a great family dog at home. Their friendly nature, adaptablity and stable temperament also makes them a frequent choice as companions and/or service dogs for children, the handicapped and the elderly. They are also used often as rescue dogs, drug detection canines and guide dogs for the blind. They often excel in both the show ring and obedience competitions.

Labrador retrievers come in three colors, yellow, black and chocolate. Some yellow labs are much lighter than others with an almost white or cream appearance. Each specific dog breed has it's own special physical and behavioral characteristics that were developed for its specific purpose in line.

Even hunting dogs have their own very specific distictions. However, the lab was designed to gently retrieve the object and to so quietly. Two very different functions, two very different confirmations and behavioral characteristics.

The lab originated in Newfoundland, Canada rather than Labrador, England. They were originally "created"by canadian fishermen to jump into the ocean's icy waters to help haul the fisherman's nets to shore. It was the ships from Labrador that took the dog back to England in the 1800's where it was further refined into the breed as we know it today.

The Totem for Dogs:

Faithfulness and Protection

The Dog is a symbol of the small becoming the great. People with this totem have great spirit and a great ability to love. It takes a lot to break a dogs spirit.

Since I love dogs I decided to paint this piece for all you dog lovers, especially for the avid hunter and game family. Hope you enjoy this RiverRock Wall Art as much as I enjoyed bringing him to life. This miniature art piece measures 6 1/4 x 6 1/4 and is $75.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

May 21, 2008

King of the Wild

The lion holds a variety of energies and is never what it appears to be. Their is great myth and lore surrounding the lion. The Egyptians linked it to power and wealth. When Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt, each tribe was gathered under it own banner, a lion was depicted on one of them. Today we associate the lion with fearlessness. Its mighty roar, proud stature and real presence ear it title of King of the Cats.

Unlike other cats the lion lives in groups called prides. They seldom fight amongst each other. The exception to this rule is related to the female. The male lion is passionate and extremely jealous of the lionesses. If challenged will act aggressively. The lion teaches those with this totem how to respect one another’s view point and to live in harmony with one another. When a lion appears in your life its time to let go of deep seated anger towards a person, a situation or towards self. The lion is a large cat with a ferocious reputation but its true disposition is one of calm clarity.

Lions do not fight for the sake of fighting. They avoid confrontation and will leave the scene of danger whenever possible. They show those with this totem how to move out of unpleasant situations gracefully and efficiently.

Maybe more of us should pursue the ways of the lion in our daily lives to improve stability in this world.

I thought I would try something different by adding various color tones and hues on this painting. I wanted to show the Majestic Lyon with true colors that make a statement. Hope you like him.
This lion has been hand painted on a wooden plaque that measures 5 x 7 1/2 and would be a nice gift for someone who loves the African Wild Life. This art piece is $25.00.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

May 19, 2008

Forever Buddies

The ferret is a member of the weasel family. They are happy playful animals with curiosity of the raccoon and the gentleness of a kitten. Their historical sources suggest that ferrets have been domesticated for at least 2,500 years. Adept at tunnel hunting it is believed the ferret was used by the Egyptians as well as farmers and mariners to control rodent populations in barns and ships.

Ferrets are opportunists. They will steal anything they can drag away hiding it to stock up on necessary provisions that might be needed. Always well prepared for any situation that might appear the ferret is a helpful ally in times of hardship.

The ferret’s eyes point forward straight down their nose. Extremely focused on what is in front of them they remind us to stay centered on our goals to reach a desired outcome. Ferrets hold the power of observation. Their keen sense of smell coupled with their ability to see clearly in the darkness links them to the underworld where the secrets of creation are stored. Its intuition is sharp and its sensitivity acute. Ferrets have the ability to see and know the hidden meaning behind all things and assist those with this medicine in understanding themselves, their lives and the experiences they have, more clearly.

Ferrets are incredibly fast and agile and show us how to move with lightening speed to avoid danger.

Always remember that the ferret is a powerful ally and can help you discover a hidden part of yourself. Buried deep beneath the surface are the answers to life's mysteries. If you are having trouble understanding some part of your life invite the ferret in to your meditation, listen to what he has to tell you and act accordingly.

Someone asked me why I hadn't painted ferrets, so here they are. They have been painted on river rock that weighs 2lbs. 7ozs. and measures 5 1/2 x 4 3/4. Hope you like them. This item is $25.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

May 6, 2008

Lazy Day of Summer

Here is one happy pig. Sunk in a basket of flowers and just chillin. I thought this was a colorful picture for the outdoors and for anyone who loves animals and has a pig for a pet.

This was painted on a stepping stone and measures 11 1/2 x 11 1/2 and weighs approximately 5 1/4 pounds. This would make a beautiful gift for someone who loves animals or just wants to spruce up their garden.

The pig is a mammal of stout body, short legs and thick skin sparsely coated with short bristles. Contrary to popular belief the pig is a very clean animal.

Pigs have an uncanny intelligence and love the companionship of humans. There easy to train and make excellent pets.

Domestic pigs demand punctuality and dependability especially at feeding time. They have swift movement and intuitively know how to respond in any situation. They are good swimmers and have great strength.

The pig is a strong symbol of luck. If you need more luck in financial matters, the pig provides prosperity in abundance.

This little guy is $30.00 and is waiting for a new home. Enjoy!

Pauline Libutti
Artist & Writer

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

May 3, 2008

Pesticides and Domestic Animals

I would like to share my story with you regarding my dog Banjo, a 2 year old, 8 pound Papillion in hopes that you will be more cautious when trying to debug your house of pests. In the summer when bugs seem to be more prevalent we have our yard sprayed. We periodically have the inside of the home sprayed and at that point Banjo is crated until the chemical is dry. (I was told it was safe once dry) I was assured by the pest control it was animal safe and put my hands into their expertise. Unfortunately, that was a bad call. Within two days Banjo showed signs of back leg spasms, dry licking and licking of his paws, uncontrolled movements, and quite lethargic. I thought this was unusual behavior and needed some advice quickly. I tried to get into the vet promptly but where I live getting an appointment is not the easiest task. I also wanted to know what he was feeling so I would have the information I needed to relate to the vet.

Fortunately, for me I was guided once again to Karen Anderson (animal communicator) and in her reading she explained what Banjo was feeling and asked if their was anything unusual going on in his surroundings. After soul searching I remembered we had sprayed three days prior and the symptoms started rapidly after that time. Banjo’s angels said he had a neurological problem and that I should detox him with apple cider vinegar in his water. That was a life saver for me since he responded quickly to something so simple yet unknown to me.

I further investigated this chemical requesting MSD sheet (material data safety sheets) from the pesticide company and also called the emergency hot line to let them know what I had been through. Unfortunately, both said it was safe and that it wasn’t Banjo’s problem.

By then I was on my way to the vet for a blood test so I could further confirm what I felt the problem had to be. The blood test was not normal and he did show high signs in his liver, red blood cells, circulatory system which was causing the spasms. However, the vet was no comfort since she uses the same pest control company and really felt that was not his problem.

So much for the practicing veterinarian, I just wonder if their all just practicing.

Karen, did recommend a Holistic veterinarian in Washington. Dr. Johnathan H. Wright DVM. Since I had completed all the research, msd sheets, and blood test I thought I would give him a try. After he reviewed all my paperwork I called him to go over his findings.

Dr. Wright stated in further checking the chemicals used in this pesticide he feels 95% sure this was the cause. Banjo showed the exact signs of what the body goes through when exposed to this chemical. He then prescribed herbal medications to give to him for two months. Also, he did mention, it could take weeks or months for this toxin to get out of his system. It partially hides in their fat cells and if they burn that fat off the toxins flow through the body once again. Dr. Wright does feel that the herbs he is taking now will eventually clear his system.

I am so grateful for the gift Karen has and how she helped me in determining why Banjo was acting the way he was. I also commend Dr. Wright in taking the time with me to explain in detail what I needed to do to help Banjo recover.

Please do not be so trusting when it comes to dangerous pesticides. These companies want your business and will say just about anything to get it. It’s too high a price to pay in my opinion. I have since started mixing my own remedy of natural products and spraying around the yard.

We only go around once in this life, and I plan on spending it with family, friends, and my best friend Banjo!

Pauline Libutti
Artist & Writer

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