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May 21, 2008

King of the Wild

The lion holds a variety of energies and is never what it appears to be. Their is great myth and lore surrounding the lion. The Egyptians linked it to power and wealth. When Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt, each tribe was gathered under it own banner, a lion was depicted on one of them. Today we associate the lion with fearlessness. Its mighty roar, proud stature and real presence ear it title of King of the Cats.

Unlike other cats the lion lives in groups called prides. They seldom fight amongst each other. The exception to this rule is related to the female. The male lion is passionate and extremely jealous of the lionesses. If challenged will act aggressively. The lion teaches those with this totem how to respect one another’s view point and to live in harmony with one another. When a lion appears in your life its time to let go of deep seated anger towards a person, a situation or towards self. The lion is a large cat with a ferocious reputation but its true disposition is one of calm clarity.

Lions do not fight for the sake of fighting. They avoid confrontation and will leave the scene of danger whenever possible. They show those with this totem how to move out of unpleasant situations gracefully and efficiently.

Maybe more of us should pursue the ways of the lion in our daily lives to improve stability in this world.

I thought I would try something different by adding various color tones and hues on this painting. I wanted to show the Majestic Lyon with true colors that make a statement. Hope you like him.
This lion has been hand painted on a wooden plaque that measures 5 x 7 1/2 and would be a nice gift for someone who loves the African Wild Life. This art piece is $25.00.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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