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May 3, 2008

Pesticides and Domestic Animals

I would like to share my story with you regarding my dog Banjo, a 2 year old, 8 pound Papillion in hopes that you will be more cautious when trying to debug your house of pests. In the summer when bugs seem to be more prevalent we have our yard sprayed. We periodically have the inside of the home sprayed and at that point Banjo is crated until the chemical is dry. (I was told it was safe once dry) I was assured by the pest control it was animal safe and put my hands into their expertise. Unfortunately, that was a bad call. Within two days Banjo showed signs of back leg spasms, dry licking and licking of his paws, uncontrolled movements, and quite lethargic. I thought this was unusual behavior and needed some advice quickly. I tried to get into the vet promptly but where I live getting an appointment is not the easiest task. I also wanted to know what he was feeling so I would have the information I needed to relate to the vet.

Fortunately, for me I was guided once again to Karen Anderson (animal communicator) and in her reading she explained what Banjo was feeling and asked if their was anything unusual going on in his surroundings. After soul searching I remembered we had sprayed three days prior and the symptoms started rapidly after that time. Banjo’s angels said he had a neurological problem and that I should detox him with apple cider vinegar in his water. That was a life saver for me since he responded quickly to something so simple yet unknown to me.

I further investigated this chemical requesting MSD sheet (material data safety sheets) from the pesticide company and also called the emergency hot line to let them know what I had been through. Unfortunately, both said it was safe and that it wasn’t Banjo’s problem.

By then I was on my way to the vet for a blood test so I could further confirm what I felt the problem had to be. The blood test was not normal and he did show high signs in his liver, red blood cells, circulatory system which was causing the spasms. However, the vet was no comfort since she uses the same pest control company and really felt that was not his problem.

So much for the practicing veterinarian, I just wonder if their all just practicing.

Karen, did recommend a Holistic veterinarian in Washington. Dr. Johnathan H. Wright DVM. Since I had completed all the research, msd sheets, and blood test I thought I would give him a try. After he reviewed all my paperwork I called him to go over his findings.

Dr. Wright stated in further checking the chemicals used in this pesticide he feels 95% sure this was the cause. Banjo showed the exact signs of what the body goes through when exposed to this chemical. He then prescribed herbal medications to give to him for two months. Also, he did mention, it could take weeks or months for this toxin to get out of his system. It partially hides in their fat cells and if they burn that fat off the toxins flow through the body once again. Dr. Wright does feel that the herbs he is taking now will eventually clear his system.

I am so grateful for the gift Karen has and how she helped me in determining why Banjo was acting the way he was. I also commend Dr. Wright in taking the time with me to explain in detail what I needed to do to help Banjo recover.

Please do not be so trusting when it comes to dangerous pesticides. These companies want your business and will say just about anything to get it. It’s too high a price to pay in my opinion. I have since started mixing my own remedy of natural products and spraying around the yard.

We only go around once in this life, and I plan on spending it with family, friends, and my best friend Banjo!

Pauline Libutti
Artist & Writer

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