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River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

April 29, 2008

Respecting Wildlife


For better or worse, much of the world we experience is dominated and controlled by human beings. We spend our days in houses, cars, and buildings, and inside these structures, we are in control. We assert our wills and manipulate our environment. Within the context of the human world, this is natural.

We often carry this attitude with us into the world of nature. We forget as we enter the forest, or sit on the edge of a pond, that we are moving into another realm, one that asks us to leave our baggage behind and surrender to a different sense of order and meaning.

We move from our everyday world into the world of Nature, we may not even notice it at first. We continue talking loudly into our cell phone or to a friend that is with us. We walk quickly as if we are on a busy city street, our eyes downcast, our thoughts hectic and hurried.

We may hear ducks calling, or wind moving through the leaves on a tree. If we notice the shift, we will naturally shift as well. If we don't we may get all the way through a beautiful park without having lowered our voices.

Next time you find yourself in the presence of wildlife-even if it's just a duck pond in the midst of urban hustle-try to move into a receptive state of openness and listening, no matter how much time you have. Allow yourself to be captivated and calmed by the energy of the wildlife that covers this earth. Teaching our children to be respectful of nature and to stop and observe is a gift they can always cherish.

We preserve the pocket of nature in our urban centers and large expanses of nature in our national parks because of the magic we feel in its presence. It reminds us of our smallness and calls us back to a deeper, quieter part of ourselves.

When we honor nature by being in its presence, we honor the mystery and wild beauty of our origin.


The above art piece is from the RiverRock Wall Art collection. I wanted to reflect on the beauty of nature and the small critters that inhabit our surroundings. Peaceful, innocent, serene. This piece measures 14 1/2 x 9 1/2 and is priced at $45.00. This would truly compliment any part of your home and would also be a lovely gift for the animal lover in your life.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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