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Rock Art Painting and Wall Art Paintings

RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

April 25, 2008

Where Time Has No Meaning/Painted on River Rock

This secret hide away was painted on River Rock from Arizona. It measures 7 x 5 and weighs 3lbs. 9ozs.

This art piece takes me back to my Hawaiian trips. Cool ocean breezes with flowing palm trees and a sail boat in the distance. Quiet, peaceful, a time to reflect on ourselves and family and appreciate all that is around us.

I guess you would call this a Vacation from the world. A freedom from occupation. A chance to meet new people, immerse in new sights and sounds. A chance to taste new foods and enjoy the meaning of life.

Vacations are times we take a break from what we are used to doing each day. During this time, we don’t do some of the things we do everyday. We relax, we reflect, we can go hundreds of miles away from home or just spend time at home.

These journeys are things we store away in our memories to remember later. Pictures are taken to stop time and enjoy with family all the good times and places we have traveled together.

Where Time Has No Meaning Rock Art
Size: 7 x 5
Weighs 3lbs. 9ozs.
The item sells for $25.00

Pauline Libutti

Artist & Writer

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