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May 26, 2008

The Scavenger

This was a fun project to paint. A friend of mind who takes beautiful photographs of various animals took a photograph of a vulture in Canada. Not a real popular critter but I decided to paint him since I thought he had alot of character and beautiful hues of color.

This has been hand painted on 5 x 7 wood wall plaque. This is truly a nice art piece for someone who loves birds of all species. This art piece is $100.00.

The vulture is a very powerful totem. Its cycle of power is year-round. If you have a Vulture as a spirit guide or totem, it can show you how to use energy powerfully and efficiently. It glides effortlessly on the winds, soaring to extraordinary heights while using little or no energy. The Vulture skillfully employs already existing air currents against the pull of gravity, symbolizing the distribution of energy so that gravity (or cares) does not weigh it down. In the process the vulture does not use its own energy, but the energies of the Earth instead--- or the Natural Order of Things --- being ONE of the mainstay sources in The Power of the Shaman. A very valuable lesson.

The Vulture is the symbol of death and rebirth, the mother symbol, and represents purification. For those with this totem, you will be noticed more for what you do than how you appear.

Vulture or Condor teaches us how to soar above our limitations.

This Totem is a permanent totem; once it enters your life it will be with you always, through your numerous lifetimes.

You may start to see auras and colors around people;
Vulture can help teach you how to accomplish this through patience and vision.
Vultures teach you how to soar without using much energy,
How to ride the thermal winds instead of flapping.
Go with the flow. Use your own energy powerfully and efficiently.

Vulture is associated with the sense of smell and aromatherapy is a good tool to use to connect with this Totem.

The Vulture promises us that no matter how difficult things are at the moment, rescue and change are imminent.

Soar above the drudgeries of every day life through spirit.
And Vulture/Condor is there to protect you in this journey.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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