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River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

May 28, 2008

Forest Princess

I have always loved fantasy, fairies, and dragon stories. We all had the beautiful prince and princesses in our childhood memories and in that moment in time we believed. I wanted to paint a princess that is a Forest Princess. Most of our stories for children elaborated on the scary forest, the dark forest but never truly explained the magic and charm of the forest.

So I introduce to you the Forest Princess whose beauty and charm decorates nature with peace, calm, serenity and protection. The woods carry many secrets and only if you enter will you find the beauty and safety in her hands. It’s sad to say there are so few delicate forests left that grace our lands today.

The Fairy Princess awaits at the gate only welcoming those who have faith and believe in the magic that she creates. For the woods are her beauty, her protection, her love of art and it is here that all mankind can rest, and meditate, and enjoy the wonders she has created.

So let’s take a moment and go back to our innocence, our childhood, where there was no pressure, no responsibility, no cares, just a time of wonder, magic, and miracles.

This is a RiverRock miniature that measures 5 x 7 and hand painted on a wooden plaque. This art piece is $100.00.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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