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Rock Art Painting and Wall Art Paintings

RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

December 2, 2008

New Friends

I’m in the barn with sister Lu

We like to romp and play

We find lots of things to do

And sometimes trouble finds its way

As we roll and tumble and roughly sway

A vision of mysterious shapes come our way

New friends that might want to play

I’m not sure what these are upon the hay

They seem so small but I wish they would stay

We stared for quite awhile as they strolled by

But what really caught my eye was a sound I never heard

A bark that seemed to be slurred

As we chased them to and fro

A flurry and chatter they bestowed

Our new friends seemed to be nervous

And but for a moment slowed

So Me and Lu with nothing else to do

Watched as they scurried down their path

In wonder if they would soon come back

Author: Pauline Libutti

Size: 8 x 10 canvas (not framed)
This item sells for $200.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters

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