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Rock Art Painting and Wall Art Paintings

RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

February 4, 2009


I’ve been bred to be a lady

Soft and delicate as a flower

I see beauty in my surroundings

And can primp and style for hours

I hope to meet a young gentleman one day

That steals my heart away

A gentle and kind soul

That loves my gentle ways

He must be happy with my style

And love me unconditionally with a smile

For our lives must intertwine

Our souls will become one

I‘ve been bred to be a lady

And a Lady I will stay

And this he must understand

I will never stray

I will give my love forever

I know that when we meet

Our love will be Timeless

Companionship so Sweet

Author Pauline Libutti

Size: 5 x 7 canvas (not framed)
This item sells for $50.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters

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