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Rock Art Painting and Wall Art Paintings

RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

February 7, 2008

River Rock Critters - Pet Rock

Pet Rocks

Children love to create rock critters. As a school outing or a home project this will surely delight them. Have them collect some rocks of different shapes and sizes. After you have a rock that a teacher or parent feels suitable for painting, the project is ready to begin.

Their finished piece can be used as a shelf decoration, or make a large one that can be used on Mom's desk as a paperweight. While the average ladybug is red, let them use their imagination using several vibrant colors. Their project will turn out to be their own unique design and color scheme.


  • Smooth, round or oval rocks, washed and dried
  • Acrylic craft paint in colors of their choice
  • Black acrylic craft paint
  • Acrylic matte sealer spray

How to Paint Lady Bug:

  1. Completely wash and dry all rocks
  2. Paint rocks in desired colors, and allow to dry
  3. Apply second and third coats if needed.
  4. There is no pattern needed, simply paint about ¼ inch of the rock any color they choose in the "front" area of rock
  5. Use a thinner brush to draw a straight line down the center of the rock, starting at the center of the base of the “head”.
  6. Dip the end of a large paint brush, or the eraser end of a pencil, in black (or any color they choose) into the craft paint. Dot on the spots, reloading with paint after every dot.
  7. Once the paint is dry, spray the rock(s) with acrylic sealer spray.
    Allow sealer to dry completely.

Important Tips:

Paint a lady bug, bee, or anything on a rock that symbolizes a critter of your own. Decorate with dots for an antenna, a straight line or a fun swirl of color. Glue Google eyes on it or paint your own. See your critter come alive with your very own artistic ability. Apply fun stickers on it or swirl colors of paint. Let your imagination run wild and you will see a pretty unique art piece that will treasured for a lifetime.

Pauline Libutti , Artist & Writer

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