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January 19, 2008

How to Enjoy Nature through Art

I have always appreciated nature, my surroundings, and all the animals that I share this world with. Unfortunately, I didn’t stop and take time to just enjoy the beauty that surrounds me in my everyday life. Work, family, responsibilities, kept me on the move and somehow you just get wrapped up in this ongoing process for survival. I’m sure you can relate.

We do need to step back every now and then and just give ourselves me time. Time to relax, to enjoy what we have accomplished, and plan for future events that will give us satisfaction and self worth. Enjoy the beauty of Nature through books, your surroundings or a lovely painting.

I started painting because I loved to look at other artist paintings and admire their creativity and images that they so skillfully put down on canvass. I felt I was missing something by not taking the time to see if I to could bring out this magic in myself. Art is one of mankind’s healthiest inclinations, and one of our greatest attributes. Unfortunately, it is tucked away in our inner being and at times we hold it prisoner instead of letting the beauty around us unfold and come alive. I think there is an artist in everyone but we just don’t take the time to show our talents. Yes, having financial well being is a necessity but to really feel accomplished you need to find a satisfying outlet to bring out the real you. Don’t wait until you no longer have to worry about the mundane day to day projects. Take time now to nourish your inner self so when all the family is gone, work is no longer your main objective you will be ready to expand on all the me things you set aside.

I have been painting for less than a year and at one time stick people were a challenge. I found if I took the time to learn the art of painting I could find my niche. My creativity just seemed to flow. I have a long way to go since I’m self taught but everyday is a new learning experience. I live in Arizona and needless to say since it is all desert I am totally surrounded by mountains and rocks. A far cry from the California life I once had.

Mother Nature was so kind to give me the opportunity to see the canvasses she laid before me, and voila, I started painting on rock forms. River rock is the canvass I use to express my love for animals and nature. Everything can be painted in one form or another but I chose rocks since it is truly in abundance here. The picture of the Cougar Cub is a true reflection of how I feel about art and nature. I feel I have captured his innocence and beauty in the world that surrounds him. He is a gift of balance power, intention, strength and grace.

No matter what path you choose take time to relax, meditate, and engulf the beauty around you. It could be a book, it could be a vacation, or just that beautiful painting you just purchased. After all, there is truly an artist in everyone if we just take the time to smell the roses.

Pauline Libutti
Artist & Writer

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