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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

April 29, 2008

Respecting Wildlife


For better or worse, much of the world we experience is dominated and controlled by human beings. We spend our days in houses, cars, and buildings, and inside these structures, we are in control. We assert our wills and manipulate our environment. Within the context of the human world, this is natural.

We often carry this attitude with us into the world of nature. We forget as we enter the forest, or sit on the edge of a pond, that we are moving into another realm, one that asks us to leave our baggage behind and surrender to a different sense of order and meaning.

We move from our everyday world into the world of Nature, we may not even notice it at first. We continue talking loudly into our cell phone or to a friend that is with us. We walk quickly as if we are on a busy city street, our eyes downcast, our thoughts hectic and hurried.

We may hear ducks calling, or wind moving through the leaves on a tree. If we notice the shift, we will naturally shift as well. If we don't we may get all the way through a beautiful park without having lowered our voices.

Next time you find yourself in the presence of wildlife-even if it's just a duck pond in the midst of urban hustle-try to move into a receptive state of openness and listening, no matter how much time you have. Allow yourself to be captivated and calmed by the energy of the wildlife that covers this earth. Teaching our children to be respectful of nature and to stop and observe is a gift they can always cherish.

We preserve the pocket of nature in our urban centers and large expanses of nature in our national parks because of the magic we feel in its presence. It reminds us of our smallness and calls us back to a deeper, quieter part of ourselves.

When we honor nature by being in its presence, we honor the mystery and wild beauty of our origin.


The above art piece is from the RiverRock Wall Art collection. I wanted to reflect on the beauty of nature and the small critters that inhabit our surroundings. Peaceful, innocent, serene. This piece measures 14 1/2 x 9 1/2 and is priced at $45.00. This would truly compliment any part of your home and would also be a lovely gift for the animal lover in your life.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

April 25, 2008

Where Time Has No Meaning/Painted on River Rock

This secret hide away was painted on River Rock from Arizona. It measures 7 x 5 and weighs 3lbs. 9ozs.

This art piece takes me back to my Hawaiian trips. Cool ocean breezes with flowing palm trees and a sail boat in the distance. Quiet, peaceful, a time to reflect on ourselves and family and appreciate all that is around us.

I guess you would call this a Vacation from the world. A freedom from occupation. A chance to meet new people, immerse in new sights and sounds. A chance to taste new foods and enjoy the meaning of life.

Vacations are times we take a break from what we are used to doing each day. During this time, we don’t do some of the things we do everyday. We relax, we reflect, we can go hundreds of miles away from home or just spend time at home.

These journeys are things we store away in our memories to remember later. Pictures are taken to stop time and enjoy with family all the good times and places we have traveled together.

Where Time Has No Meaning Rock Art
Size: 7 x 5
Weighs 3lbs. 9ozs.
The item sells for $25.00

Pauline Libutti

Artist & Writer

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

April 21, 2008

Duck Wall Art - My Cup Runneth Over

I couldn’t resist painting this picture I ran across and the story behind it. I put a little more color into it to enhance the ducklings and made it an art piece to decorate your home with color and realism.

“ A pair of tiny abandoned ducklings found battling against waves after being washed out to sea are being nursed back to health - in a teacup.”

The fluffy birds were saved from a watery grave when they were found by passing canoeist Chris Murray. I truly believe Chris was meant to cross paths with these ducklings to save them and in return receive their protection through his life journey. This was not by chance but for a purpose.

Duck totems represents emotional comfort and protection. Ducks are connected to feminine energies, the astral plane and emotions through their connection with water. They remind us to drink deeply from the water of life. Find comfort in your element and with those of like mind and spirit.

Ducks teach you how to maneuver through the waters of life with grace and comfort.

So if a duck is what you are drawn to connect with this totem through meditation. A quiet place, with soft music and a chance to clear your mind.

This wall art is a miniature measuring 7 ½ x 5 ½ that can be hung on the wall or put on a decorative easel. (easel not included )

Duck Wall Art

Size: 7 1/2 x 5 1/2

The item sells for $25.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

April 19, 2008

Fox Cub

The Fox Totem teaches us about feminine magic, this does not imply that it is a totem for women only. Both men and women who have a Fox as their totem are being told to stay in touch with the feminine side of their character and personality. If you're attracted to the Fox, you would have a better understanding of your need to develop your feminine side.

Fox comes out of hiding at dusk-twilight the time that is magic when the doors to the fairy kingdom open. If you have a fondness for fairies, elves, and gnomes, the "little people" and sprits, fox is working on you. Its keen eyesight also has the ability to see movement and objects on the very edges of the field of vision. Those with active fox medicine can often see Spirit and the beings "between worlds". If this is an ability that you would like to develop, practice at twilight and call upon Fox for energy to help you.

The ears and tail of the Fox have messages for you. The ears help the animal to keep cool in the summer as they expel body heat through the ears. If you're too warm; pull your hair away from your ears; if you're too cold; let your hair cover your ears. The tail acts as a portable blanket to keep the nose and feet warm. The tail also says that you have the ability to protect yourself from unpleasant and uncomfortable situations and relationships.

The Fox also has a highly developed sense of smell, and you may be very aware of smells, odors and their subtle differences. You are also alert to unpleasant situations and /or danger because something just "doesn't smell right.

While the actual body of the Fox is very small, the mass of hair that protects it gives the impression of greater bulk. The hair varies in color tones and textures much like the human hair as their “crowning glory”.

Such a tiny animal to carry so many teachings. Study the Fox. It can help change your life in many ways.

This RiverRock Art piece reflects the innocence of the fox cub, laying down among leaves and rock. Curious, yet alert to his surroundings. This would make a lovely addition to your yard or home. A great gift for the animal lover in your life.

Fox Cub Rock Art
Size: 8 x 5 1/2
Weighs 6lbs. 7ozs.
The item sells for $50.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

April 17, 2008

Dove & Rose Basket Tile

The Dove is the embodiment of maternal instinct. She is connected to Mother Earth and her creative energies.

Her mournful call speaks to our deepest self and stirs our emotions.

The voice of the dove is a rain song and brings us hope of a new beginning.

The Dove is the totem of "Between Times" and shows us the time of the thinning of the veils between the physical and the spiritual world.

Listen for her call with your soul.

Graceful Creature

The skies will never see a more peaceful and graceful creature than the Dove. This animal has been respected and revered throughout the ages by ancient and modern Indian tribes and their Shaman. These tribes who are so connected to the elements and the Earth understand the true influence these creatures’ posses. They are diplomatic, legendary animals that own many admirable virtues.

The Dove represents the feminine power of giving, prophecy, and the hope a new beginning. The Dove reveals the veils between the spiritual and physical worlds. They were the totem of Aphrodite the Goddess of Love, and they bore the ambrosia from the Goddesses which kept Zeus immortal, they are the symbol of sexual passion in India

It was the Dove which returned to Noah’s Ark to tell all aboard that land was found, in the Dove’s beak was an olive branch, which was the symbol of peace.

Doves, like many species of birds, breed and nest in pairs, they mate for life and build their nests, protect their territory and raise their young with their partners. The males as well as the females produce a milk like substance, called “crop milk” to feed their newborns. Both parents take responsibility for the hatching and care of their offspring. The males will sit on the eggs during the day while the females take over the task at night. Both take responsibility for the guarding of their nest

The Magnificent Dove Totem possesses the following virtues:

Love, gentleness, new ideas, purity, sexual energy, intimate relationships, creativity, peace, family values, centered calmness, tranquility, support, assistance, new relationships, peaceful transition from difficulty, powers of the feminine, friendship, .

The Dove animal totem is a strong spirit indeed and its magical properties are one of the most influential of all animal totems.

The above art piece has been painted on tile and measures 11 ½ x 11 ½. It weighs 5 ¼ lbs. This would be stunning in your garden to accent roses, flowers, or an area that needs a bright cheerful color. If you enjoy this piece please email me your request.

Pauline Libutti
Artist & Writer

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

April 10, 2008

The Chinese Year of the Rabbit

February 6, 1999 - February 4, 2000

For all the Rabbit lovers and animal advocates I decided to paint the above piece that depicts a soft, cuddly, critter, hiding in the flowers. He seems to be alert, but cautious, and oh so quiet as he watches the new day unfold before him. This art piece has been painted on a stepping stone that weighs approximately 13 pounds. If you like this piece I can paint it in a smaller version on wood or rock.

The Sign of the Rabbit

If you are born under the Chinese sign of the Rabbit, you will make a great diplomat! Rabbits are clean and neat, quiet and often softly spoken. They dislike conflict and will go to great lengths to avoid conflict. They thrive in tranquil, harmonious settings and become unhappy in noisy, argumentative company.

People born under this sign develop good diplomatic skills and they are good at calming heated emotions. They are often thrown into the kind of unsettled situations they so dislike precisely because they have the skills to make peace.

Rabbits are not ambitious; they rather have a comfortable life, but if necessary readily accept responsibility. Rabbit people are know for their good taste and their homes will be immaculate and well maintained.

Chinese Zodiac

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up. To show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Pauline Libutti

Artist & Writer

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

April 6, 2008

Totems In Your Garden

The Animal Kingdom is a diverse and magical world. When we open our hearts to the Oneness of all life, we see that every species has the potential to be a brother, a sister, an ally or a significant teacher. For this reason, there is considerable power at play when animals appear in Dreamtime. The encounter itself has the capacity to manifest change, deep within our psyche. Animal totems can impart a potent vibratory impact on our energy field. So we need to be more attentive as we brave the journey across our spiritual path. In fact, the simple presence of an animal totem reminds us that we have the innate ability to navigate new territory, to absorb complex and challenging lessons, and to realize wisdom and inner peace when important cycles of change unfold in our personal lives. When we implement the ways of an animal totem, we absorb the insight of its inherent medicine. The goal is to watch ever so carefully as we observe the animals that reveal their presence in our dream and waking worlds. Once again, being in awareness is the key while the inter-play is all about creating deeper healing on a soul level.


The rabbit totem is an instrument of magic and good luck. Her gifts are spontaneity, alacrity and agility. Likewise, her path guides us to go forward with positive anticipation, for rabbit brings success to all endeavors. Rabbit is also a symbol of reproduction and abundance. The lesson is to create joy and faithfulness within our friendships. Finally, rabbit teaches us to overcome our fears as we take a conscious leap into new territory.


They have keen sense of vibrations from the ground, excellent hearing and sharp eyesight enables them to detect the slightest movement. One fascinating ability lizards have, is being able to break off their tails to escape predators. As their tail is writhing, it distracts the predator so the lizard can make its escape. Unfortunately, a lizard can only do this once because the tail grows back cartilage instead of vertebrae.

In myths and lore, Lizard is associated with dreaming. Dreams awaken our unconscious mind and make us aware of issues we haven't been ready to face in our conscious lives. Lizard appears when we need to analyze our present reality and brings the message for immediate change in some area or areas of our life. This change can represent letting go of old ideas or negative behaviors which endanger our growth.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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