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Rock Art Painting and Wall Art Paintings

RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

April 5, 2009

Little Red Panda

Sitting high up in a tree

Like a silent ninja looking at me

You are a majestic who dwells in mystery

A creature known in ancient history

So sad little one you are endangered

To the world you are becoming a stranger

Don’t worry though we will protect you

Even though you are but a few

So sit my pretty munching on wild bamboo

And don’t give a thought to who chases you

Far in China away from me

I understand the bears roam free

Little Red Panda your friends are few

The sanctuaries wish these numbers grew

Slow at breeding, babies just aren’t made

It seems your population will soon fade

So let’s protect our little friends

So cute, so small, on people he depends

They seem to be so tough and strong

But it seems their life doesn’t last too long

Help save these beautiful little creatures

With their big brown eyes and beautiful features

Author: Pauline Libutti

Size: 8 x 8 canvas (not framed)
This item sells for $75.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters

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