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January 31, 2008

7 Easy Creative Rituals to Spark Your Imagination and Inspire Your Soul

Revitalize Your Creative Talents

Creativity is a mysterious force that visits us with great ideas, new ways of seeing the world and the courage to do things differently. Revitalizing your creative talents will help you in the most unexpectedly wonderful ways: a new business idea, a renewed commitment to self-care, an appreciation for the beauty that lies all around us.

Finding a small bit of time each day to feed this force will not only reward you with increased creativity, but also an expanded sense of appreciation and gratitude for the creative process.

The following list highlights simple yet powerful actions you can take to spark your creative energy from the inside out.

1. Keep a Daily Journal

Use a journal to jot down the meandering thoughts of your mind. Write, draw, doodle, and paste collages together. Stuck between your great ideas are random thoughts, mental notes, and menial observations. Use your journal as a place to deposit these thoughts, keeping your creative mental workspace clear. Think of it as feng shui for the mind, a way of keeping the creative juices flowing.

2. Create Sacred Space

Find a place in your home to keep inspiring, motivating and spiritually significant objects. Remind yourself that creativity flows like water and wind, that it is steadfast like earth and powerful like fire. Collect objects from nature to remind you of this. Place things that awe and inspire you, projects you’re most proud of, and photos of people who support and encourage your creative action.

3. Reflection

Reflection can be a minute of appreciating someone or something, or it can be a day of meditation and writing. Find ways to incorporate reflection into your daily routine, noting how experiences and interactions help you grow as a creative person. This is great for surveying what inspires you and what blocks you, what attracts you and what doesn’t.

4. Creative Getaways

If you can, find some time to sneak away and enjoy a creative pleasure. It can be an hour wandering through a craft store, window shopping, a hike in nature or a visit to a special place. If you have kids and can’t get away alone, don’t worry. Enjoy the outing and reflect on it together. There are no rules to creative getaways. It is whatever touches you at that moment.

5. Do Something "Loco "

What’s something crazy you’ve always dreamed of doing but didn’t because of insecurity, fear or intimidation? Make a pact with yourself to get to know your Inner Loco and find ways to let her out to play each and every day.

6. See the World through a Child’s Eyes

Children have the amazing ability to be open to the possibilities of just about anything. Give yourself playtime to see the world through the eyes of a child. Sometimes it can be simply sitting on the floor and looking at a room from a new angle, or giving yourself permission to laugh and have fun.

7. Chart Your Course

It’s one thing to dream of creative things and it’s another thing to make them happen. Look at all the wonderful ideas you have and pick one to act upon. Make a commitment to do at least one daily action to support this idea. Doing the footwork to make your dream a reality will show you how easy it really is to turn ideas into action.

Ritual is a series of repeated acts. By incorporating creative ritual in your life, you will increase your innovation and creativity in ways that will surprise and delight you. Try at least one of these actions and feel your creativity grow!

by: Nancy Marmolejo

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 30, 2008

Animal Spirit Guides and Guardians

Worldly Wisdom Can be Achieved

Native American medicine features animal guides such as bear, butterfly, coyote, dog, eagle, hawk, horse, snake, spider, and wolf as elements in healing and self-knowledge.

Wisdom traditions teach that worldly wisdom can only be achieved when you first learn to know thyself. One of the most popular elements of Native American symbolism is the role of animal spirit guides-animals that represent parts of ourselves and can teach us to integrate, heal and develop both our weaknesses and our strengths.

What is an Animal Guide?

Most Native American tribes believe that our ancestors watch over us and guide us. Our grandparents and great-grandparents act as spirit guides, lending wisdom, support and spiritual protection when we need it - or when we remember to ask.

In addition to the ancestors and other sprit guides, everyone is born with a connection to one or more animal guides.

Animal guides are spirit guides that are animals. They may be animals we have known in life (such as a deceased pet) or they may be personal symbols that represent the qualities of an animal. The characteristics of our animal guides are qualities that we possess or that we need to learn from in our lives.

How Can I find My Animal Guide or Guides?

What's your favorite animal? Most people’s guides include animals they are drawn to and care about. Your favorite animal is usually the one to which you have the strongest connection.

Other animal totems may be animals that you resemble or that you are particularly drawn to. An animal bites you, in a dream or in real life, it is said to be one of your most important animal guide teachers.

Meditation, guided visualizations, and astral travel can all be good ways to meet your animal guides. Some shamans and healers who work with animal medicine guides may be able to "see" or sense some of your guides, and point you in the right direction to learn more.

Nine Animal Guides in Action

Bear -- is the part of the self that needs to retreat into its own space.

Butterfly -- stands for our ability to accept the beauty of growth and change in our lives

Coyote -- is the trickster totem. He created confusion, self-sabotage, humor, and that delightful sensation when you aren’t sure if you've gone crazy.

Eagle -- represents wisdom and power on a spiritual dimension.

Hawk -- is the messenger and represents perspective.

Horse -- represents power, personal power and permission to be oneself.

Snake -- is a powerful guide for healers. The snake enables shamans to transmute poisons of the body and mind.

Spider -- is the creative totem of artists, crafter, writers and painters.

Wolf -- is the animal guide of true teachers. They are also connected to the moon and feminine energy.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 29, 2008

How To Make Amazing Crafts With Kids

The education benefit of arts & crafts

Arts and crafts can be used to apply hands-on learning to any subject. Using crafts this way helps kids think more in-depth about the subject of their artwork or craft projects. Virtually any subject matter can be taught using arts & crafts with a little creativity. For instance, if you are learning about world geography, you could have the kids make a tissue paper globe.
Learn about holidays, history, and any other topic your kids should study. Even math can be enriched through arts and crafts. Remember that school isn’t the only place kids should be learning; your kids will be much more willing and excited to learn if you make learning fun with interactive arts and crafts projects.

Some ideas for kids’ arts & crafts

Kids’ arts and crafts can be quick and simple to keep the attention of on-the-go toddlers. They can also be sophisticated and complex for older kids who are up to a challenge. To get an idea of the scope of arts and crafts projects out there, take a trip to your local arts and crafts store or teacher’s supply shop. These stores will have pre-designed craft kits, including jewelry art, painting kits, and other craft ideas. Each kit will come with instructions and all of the materials you require.

Another good idea, once you have gained some experience, is to walk arts and craft stores to shop for kids’ art ideas. Here are some ideas: try rock painting, where kids can create arts and crafts by designing something unique. A ladybug, bird, lizard, butterfly, the possibilities are endless. They can start out by painting on poster board or construction paper to perfect their design. Or jump right in and beautify their hand picked rock with their own unique design and color scheme. Its fun, its challenging, and I must say quite rewarding when the project is finished. Dad would love the paperweight and Mom would love the decorative keepsake.

This is a great craft because kids of all ages can join in. Young children can use their imaginations to create simple objects on a rock formation. Older kids may enjoy incorporating other supplies such as beads, or gemstones, onto their art.

Arts and crafts allows kids to openly express themselves, even at very young ages. Despite all these positives, the best reason for getting your kids involved in arts and crafts is that it is fun!

Pauline Libutti
Artist & Writer

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 28, 2008

Which is Your Type of Art Form

Art in Latin means "skill" or "craft" and it is generally accepted to be "the product or process of the effective application of a body of knowledge, most often using a set of skills, which from concept to creation adheres to the "creative impulse" of the maker." As centuries of art study reveal, art has taken many forms and has touched upon many disciplines. From the creation of a painting on canvas, wood, or rock or the design of a video game, art is now a much more generic term used to describe many of today’s human creations.

Whether or not you consider yourself to be an artist or have an artistic nature as people often claim, it is interesting to discover that your skills and abilities can help you develop products or processes that could be characterized as a type of art form. Have you ever taken a picture, created a film, painted an image on canvas or rock, performed in front of an audience -your mirror does not count- or even found a new way to use that old pair of jeans you have kept inside your closet? If the answer to these or similar questions is yes, then you are "officially" informed that you can consider yourself as a creator or better even an artist!

Due to the technological innovations used today, new art forms have been developed and thus new ways for artistic expression. The birthday card you decided to create from scratch for your friend, the picture frame you decided to "transform" so as to make it a bit more contemporary, the song you recorded while playing in your garage with the band, are all different types of art forms and should make you proud of yourself and your abilities. Moving from the "classic" forms of art, like painting, drawing, sculpture, music, literature, printmaking, and architecture, to the more "modern" types of art forms, like film, photography, digital art, installation art, performance art, land art, fashion, computer art, comics, and video games, the human ingenuity and creativity found new ways of expression. People are today thrilled to discover the gratification of being able to complete the art project of their choice while using a variety of available tools.

Since within each art form a wide range of genres exist, like for example painting includes still life, portrait, or landscape, a work of art can be anything, from a representational painting to the abstract wallpaper of your PC screen. Whether the art form you like belongs to the category of fine arts or applied arts, the big issue here is that you are a creator, a designer, a painter, a sculptor, a craftsman, an artisan in general. If your art will make you rich one day is a matter of talent and luck, but during your project's creation and upon its completion, you will experience a life changing realization; you will feel capable of accomplishing almost anything. After that entire amazing thing is your own creation!

Author: k.buchanan

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 27, 2008

Dogs Are Our Best Friends and with Good Reason

Dogs and Their Faithful Companionship

Why are there so many dog lovers out there? Dogs share our lives in a way that most other animals can't, and they're so commonplace that it's easy to take their faithful companionship for granted.
Dogs are friendly and they love human companionship. Whose ego would not be gratified at the sight of a happy dog that can't wait to greet you at the end of a hard day? Your dog waits for you by the door, face smiling, mouth open and tail wagging, ready to dote on you, his best friend in the world.

Dogs are loyal and, as pack animals, they respond to the presence of a leader - you! Dogs are eager to please you in any way they can. When you're feeling blue your dog will remain by your side silently comforting you. When you're happy and excited, your dog will leap about you and share in your joy.

Dogs are playful. They love physical activity such as going for walks, fetching sticks, leaping into ponds, and racing wildly to and fro. Dogs will join you for a jog or for a day in the park or even for an exuberant game of frisbee. Yet dogs can also be soft and cuddly and ready at anytime for a loving pat and a reassuring hug. They're affectionate and they're soothing to stroke.

Dogs can be trained so that they can easily cohabitate with us in our human-built dwellings. They can also be trusted to act appropriately around other people and in public. Dogs can learn to save nature's call for outdoor walks, to walk on a leash when on public roads where cars lurk, and to sit and to stay whenever and wherever necessary.

The family dog is as much a part of daily life within a home as is any human household member. Our dogs are always there for us, day and night, sharing in every activity from breakfast time through a cozy evening spent watching TV. They can share both our indoor and many of our local outdoor activities, but that's not all. Dogs also play a big part in family life even when the family isn't at home. They can readily go places with us in cars, everywhere from a romp in the local park to a family vacation. Because they can travel with us, they can be a part of our lives in a way that most other companion animals can't. As dogs can participate in many of our most unusual experiences and outdoor adventures, they become forever associated with many of our most treasured memories.

Dogs, in all of their various shapes and sizes, are also beautiful animals to admire and to look at. From their big beautiful eyes and lovely faces, to their soft, sleek, shiny coats, to the tips of their joyfully wagging tails, dogs are a pleasure to behold. With so many different breeds to choose from, everyone can choose the dog whose appearance most appeals to them, whether large or small, short or long-muzzled, short-haired or long-haired or curly or straight-haired, with a muscular build or a slim build, with an elegant face or a comical face, and in any number of colors.

Dogs give us the best of themselves: their love, loyalty, unconditional acceptance and affection, playfulness and companionship. In return, we owe them our best and the best care that we can give them.

Above all else, dogs deserve gentle handling and an abundance of our time and attention. Love can make a dog's world go round as much as love makes our world go round. When we give our love freely to our dogs, we receive their love in return. Dogs can truly be man's and woman's and children's best friends, and we should feel honored to be theirs, as well.

Author: becker

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 26, 2008

How To Deal With Challenges

Wherever you are and however much of an adventure you are having, it is safe to say that more than likely that you will be faced with challenges and obstacles on a regular basis. This is what life is made up of. Some of us though seem to have the knack of making it all seem so easy, while others get caught up in the negativity of the challenge and only see problems ahead of them.

Challenges can consume you if you let them. You can, on the other hand choose to focus on your strengths instead and see challenges as a part of life, which is exactly what they are. If you allow yourself to focus on the difficulty of the challenge, that is what's going to grow in size, yet if you focus on solutions for your dilemma, the chances are you will find one or even more possibilities for solving your problem. Through trying times, we do not want to believe that some good can come out of our challenging periods. Yet, if we look back on the difficult times in our lives, whether it be about a relationship, one's business, an addiction, financial problems or other ... have we not learnt more as a result of each challenge? Have we not grown and become stronger, more compassionate Human beings?

I am not saying that we need deny the severity of the challenge and the pain it may be causing. It is essential to feel the emotion that has surfaced to be able to accept the challenge and what it means to us. Give yourself time, but then put on your obstacle boots, do what you have to do about it, do all you can do and when that is done and no more can be achieved at that time, let it go and trust that it will be taken care. Wait and be patient for the right time and then take another step forward. Do not expect that all challenges can be solved immediately. Some need time and there always seems to be a reason for this. When challenges arise do not think you are being singled out and punished. Challenges are the stuff life is made of. However, how you choose to overcome the challenge will determine your rate of success.

In the words of Mark Victor Hansen, “Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what!. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more successful.”

Author: Kimbles

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 24, 2008

Believe Your Soul Mate is Out There

Believing that your soul mate is out there is critical to the preparation of manifesting him or her into your life. The basic law of attraction states that you will attract to you those things that match your state of belief.

I believe that the Universe is always mirroring back to us our beliefs about ourselves and the world. If we believe the world is a loving and friendly place, then most of the time that will be our experience. If we believe the world is a chaotic, stressful and fearful place, then that becomes our reality. So, believing and knowing that your soul mate is out there is part of the formula for manifestation. If you do not yet believe with 100% certainty that your soul mate is out there, let’s begin to look for things that will make a believer out of you.

Do you believe you are loveable? If you are reading this then I am certain you are loveable. Why? Because, loveable people want more love in their lives. But, if you believe you are not loveable, I’m going to ask you to challenge that belief. Take a moment to identify at least three (or more) lovable traits that you possess, such as being generous, compassionate, friendly, kind, considerate, thoughtful, interesting, funny, etc. Write these down and then memorize them. You will be using them shortly for your treasure map.

I know many very attractive, successful single people who have some very negative, limiting beliefs when it comes to finding their soul mate.

The list usually goes something like this:
I’m too old.
I’m too fat.
I’m too damaged.
I have too much baggage.
I am too successful.
I am not successful enough.
All the good ones are taken.
Nobody I want wants me.

These are just knee-jerk excuses to keep you stuck. There is plenty of evidence that love is available to everyone regardless of age, weight or income or any other feeble excuse. What if I told you that it’s not your job to know HOW your soul mate is going to appear? It’s only your job to be ready, willing and open to love.

You don’t really know where air or water comes from but you totally believe that they are there for you. As a human being you know that air and water are your divine right. You know that no matter what mistakes you have made in the past, you are still going to wake up every day and have access to air and water. The same is true for love. It’s there for you. It’s always been there for you. You just need to remember the love that you are and once you do, the Universe will deliver to you the perfect soul mate. There is nothing for you to do, there is only a way for you to BE.

Author: Arielle Ford

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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Make It A Masterpiece

Developing an authentic lifestyle--one that truly reflects what is important to you in all areas of life--is a work of art. It is your personal statement to the world. Are you creating your masterpiece with both the intention and attention a great artist gives her creation?

Reflecting on the ideas and manipulating the materials over time, the artist begins to clarify the vision and, as the piece emerges, watches, refining her ideas, adding this, discarding that, reworking, until the materials begin to match the vision. Once the realization of the dream is glimpsed, work accelerates, and joy and passion carry the piece to completion. Isn’t that much like our lives?

Few artists receive their inspiration from attempting to fulfill someone else’s idea of what the clay, paint, rock, notes, words, fabric or wood might become. Imitation in art is only the tool of the student as the techniques are learned. The truly authentic work of art must come from within the artist, through the techniques and media, into reality.

Similarly, you cannot live the dreams of your parents, the desires of your friends or the visions of another with passion and integrity.

Great artists understand that their art is their personal expression, and is, therefore, unique. The artist values the medium for its potential to express the idea. The artist works diligently keeping the vision in view, making small adjustments, learning new techniques, experimenting until the vision emerges in concrete form and becomes an extension of the artist. It is visible then to all who care to look. The piece bears the artist’s name and influences to all who view it.

Sometimes, pieces do not please the artist and they are reworked, painted over, melted down, and unraveled. These pieces have great inherent value. The artist’s vision is clarified, the materials better understood. This contributes much to the next project, the next work of art.

Sometimes, pieces become a legacy and influence many by their existence. These are the authentic works, the true expressions of the artist. These are the quality pieces, as Willa A. Foster, says, “Quality is never an accident; it is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”

You want your life to be of quality, filled with wise choices. Therefore, approach it with high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution.

When creating a work of art, you must be present with it, fully engage each moment, totally absorbed by the possibility you are actualizing and the potential you are exploring. This intense focus is required if you are not to be distracted by the myriad of seductive, and easy to justify diversions. It is a powerful process uplifting, inspiring, sometimes frustrating, satisfying, and, most of all, creative. When you are making a success of something, it is not work. It’s a way of life.

Now, if by chance, you are thinking that viewing your life as a work of art, or a lofty contribution to the world, is impractical compared to a factual time management, goal-oriented, bottom-line approach, please consider this. Every successful business, organization and corporation has two types of leaders, visionaries and administrators. Both are required. You need to be both visionary and administrator in your own life, to live a life of integrity, of wholeness. After all, would you prefer your life to be a fleeting statistic, or a memorable piece of performance art?

By Rhoberta Shaler, PhD

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 22, 2008

How to Paint a River Rock

Painting on a River Rock

Painting a river rock can give you a fun way to preserve a rock you brought home from a favorite trip. It is also a fantastic hobby, that has become extremely popular. You do not have to take lessons, or be an artist to enjoy painting rocks and the only think you have to do to start, is find rocks, or all shapes and sizes. Just make sure that they are shapped well enough to be decorated.

Steps to paint on a river rock:

  1. Clean your river rock, making sure that no dirt is attached to it and that it is not flaking off in any place. An old toothbrush that no one's using any more is a great cleaning tool. After it is completely dry, lightly sketch the design you plan to paint on the surface. Use a light pencil as it may show through under lighter paint.

  2. Assemble your paints. Use acrylic paints from a tube, such as Liquitex, or a paint made for outdoor use such as Plaid paint. (It has a bird house shape on the top to indicate that the paint is outdoor safe.

  3. Use an old plate, wax paper, or foil folded around a piece of cardboard for a palette to mix paint on.

  4. Use acrylic paint brushes, semi stiff. Get several sizes to use for larger areas, then details can be painted with a smaller brush. Some prefer to use flat brushes to paint bigger areas, switching to a pointed brush for finishing touches.

  5. Begin by painting large areas in. A common problem is wanting to start on the fun little stuff and then having to paint around it. Remember big to little. When large areas are finished let them dry before trying to paint next to or on top of them.

  6. Paint smaller areas and add finishing touches. Layer colors or add texture. You can also do this with Sharpie or other permanent markers. When the rock has had at least a day to dry, spray it with a clear urethane finish. Do this outdoors or in a well ventilated area so you do not breathe the vapors. This should be done by an adult or older child under adult supervision.

Tips & Tricks:

  1. Use a palette knife or craft stick to mix paint.
  2. A palette can be made out of an old plate, wax paper, or by folding aluminum foil around a piece of cardboard.
  3. Brushes need to be washed well with soap and water when you are finished. While painting do not store brush in water, as that damages the tip. Rinse and lay flat on table.
  4. Do not allow brush to dry with paint in it.
  5. River rocks have many different shapes. They are a craft for artists, who draw and paint them instead of a canvas. They make beautiful gifts. These are not 'pet rocks', but an artistic craft.
  6. Find any rocks or large stones from any source. Clean them and decorate them. Use Acrylic pain, sign your name and date, and allow them to dry.


  1. Acrylic paint does not wash out of clothing well. Wear a paint shirt, apron or old clothing you don't care about. Wash a spot immediately and you may be able to get it out.
  2. Some colors of tube paint may not be suitable for young children to handle. Always look to see if there is a health label on the tube.
  3. If you plan to do this project with very young children use tempera paint and spray varnish yourself or paint with polymer medium. Not as permanent but OK for indoor use.

Things You'll Need:

  • Smooth clean rock
  • Acrylic paint, or outdoor craft paint
  • Brushes
  • Palette
  • Clear finishing spray varnish

Related Articles:

Sources and Citations: http://linwellford.com

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

January 19, 2008

Taking Care of Mother Nature

Getting Up Close & Personal With Mother Nature
What do gardening, birding, hiking and fishing all have in common? They provide wonderful opportunities to get up close and personal with nature -- to experience it on such an intimate level that we quickly realize the absolute wonder of it all -- and the need to protect it.

Gardens allow us to co-create. In a garden, we work hand in hand with nature, co-creating a masterpiece of form and fragrance, color and design. We may carefully choose each plant and flower and painstakingly plan our garden layout, but it is Mother Nature who adds the finishing touches and has the final say.

Observing the Miracles of Life
Backyard birding and wildlife gardening allow us to observe the miracles of life and to share them with our families. A few carefully placed bird feeders, plants chosen specifically for butterflies or the addition of a backyard pond all provide us with the opportunity to bring the wonders of nature right into our own backyards. 

Decorating with chimes, stepping stone, or RiverRock is all part of the beauty of your personal touch. Which birds mate for life? How long does it take for the complete life cycle of a butterfly or for a tadpole to turn into a frog? Inviting wildlife to our garden allows us to experience these miracles on a daily basis and from the comfort of our home or garden.

Experience Nature with All Your Senses
Hiking, camping and outdoor photography allow us to experience nature with all of our senses. The sights of mountains and oceans and fields of wild flowers call out to be captured on camera or canvas. Hiking an unknown trail with the sounds and scents of nature provides the opportunity for experiencing new wonders around every bend in the path. And nothing can quite compare to the feeling of sleeping outside under the stars and waking to another day as it unfolds before us.

And fishing, whether it is standing thigh high in a cool mountain stream with a fly rod in hand or strapped in to an angler's chair far out at sea, allows us to test our skills against nature. Spending time in nature restores our spirit and all of these activities soon show us the importance of protecting the environment.

Getting Outside to Experience Mother Nature
Taking care of Mother Nature hopefully encourages you to get outside and experience nature. We want you to run your fingers through the soil and dig your toes deep into the sand.; to listen to the surf and the songbirds and smell the scent of whatever happens to be blooming at the moment; And we want you to keep doing it until you see the wonder in it all - until you realize how important it is to protect it.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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How to Enjoy Nature through Art

I have always appreciated nature, my surroundings, and all the animals that I share this world with. Unfortunately, I didn’t stop and take time to just enjoy the beauty that surrounds me in my everyday life. Work, family, responsibilities, kept me on the move and somehow you just get wrapped up in this ongoing process for survival. I’m sure you can relate.

We do need to step back every now and then and just give ourselves me time. Time to relax, to enjoy what we have accomplished, and plan for future events that will give us satisfaction and self worth. Enjoy the beauty of Nature through books, your surroundings or a lovely painting.

I started painting because I loved to look at other artist paintings and admire their creativity and images that they so skillfully put down on canvass. I felt I was missing something by not taking the time to see if I to could bring out this magic in myself. Art is one of mankind’s healthiest inclinations, and one of our greatest attributes. Unfortunately, it is tucked away in our inner being and at times we hold it prisoner instead of letting the beauty around us unfold and come alive. I think there is an artist in everyone but we just don’t take the time to show our talents. Yes, having financial well being is a necessity but to really feel accomplished you need to find a satisfying outlet to bring out the real you. Don’t wait until you no longer have to worry about the mundane day to day projects. Take time now to nourish your inner self so when all the family is gone, work is no longer your main objective you will be ready to expand on all the me things you set aside.

I have been painting for less than a year and at one time stick people were a challenge. I found if I took the time to learn the art of painting I could find my niche. My creativity just seemed to flow. I have a long way to go since I’m self taught but everyday is a new learning experience. I live in Arizona and needless to say since it is all desert I am totally surrounded by mountains and rocks. A far cry from the California life I once had.

Mother Nature was so kind to give me the opportunity to see the canvasses she laid before me, and voila, I started painting on rock forms. River rock is the canvass I use to express my love for animals and nature. Everything can be painted in one form or another but I chose rocks since it is truly in abundance here. The picture of the Cougar Cub is a true reflection of how I feel about art and nature. I feel I have captured his innocence and beauty in the world that surrounds him. He is a gift of balance power, intention, strength and grace.

No matter what path you choose take time to relax, meditate, and engulf the beauty around you. It could be a book, it could be a vacation, or just that beautiful painting you just purchased. After all, there is truly an artist in everyone if we just take the time to smell the roses.

Pauline Libutti
Artist & Writer

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African Art & Paintings

African Art: Colorful Native Artwork
One of the biggest contradictions in the art world is with African art. This is because African art is among the most colorful of all native artwork in the world and yet this style of art comes from the 'dark continent' of Africa.

African paintings can depict life in Africa with village scenes involving people doing everyday activities such as cooking, caring for their children and playing. Of course, there are paintings of the majestic wildlife found in Africa including lions, elephants, giraffes, tigers, and rhinos. Some African art are quite realistic while some are very abstract. However, both are very inspiring showing just how proud African artists are of their homeland.

Collecting African Tribal Masks
Some of the most highly sought after pieces among collectors of African artwork are the African tribal masks. There are masks used for ceremonies, rituals, battle and for telling stories. African tribal masks can signify such diverse characteristics such as courage, strength, protection, peace, fertility, honor and wisdom. There are even tribal masks of African animals such as elephants, zebras, cougars and antelopes.

Artisans in Africa create a wide variety of carvings, sculptures and statues from different mediums. Pieces can be made from wood, clay and different types of metal. Subjects of African carvings include both people and animals. Actual African carvings and sculptures can be stand alone pieces or as wall carvings.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2008 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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Ruby Jewelry & Gemstones

Ancient Belief of Ruby Gemstones
Ancient Orientals believed that the ruby contained a spark of life -- "a deep drop of the heart's blood of Mother Earth" Eastern legends called ruby a “lamp stone” as it was self-luminous. It is said that once an emperor of China lighted his chamber with a large ruby & it glowed as bright as day.

Ruby is the red variety of the corundum mineral, ranks 9 on Mohs scale, sharing status with sapphire as the hardest gem after diamond. It is considered as one of the most valuable gemstone on our earth. With a wonderful color, excellent hardness & an overwhelming brilliance, ruby has been a much desired precious stone.

Meaning of Ruby Gemstones
The gemstone ruby represents the sun, ruler of all planets. Sun represents authority, power, self, body & health. The wearer of ruby enjoys wealth & property, name & fame in the political sphere & overall prosperity. He becomes virile and his will power and spirit is strengthened. He occupies a respected position in the society & is blessed with a son.

Ruby is the birthstone for the month of July and also for zodiac sign of Leo. It increases energy levels and will stimulate love if worn close to the heart. It protects sensitive natures, health and wealth, controls passion, stimulates blood circulation, gives calm sleep and takes away nightmares.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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Why is your Cat Your Best Friend?

Ancient Egyptian Goddesses
Cats: the mere word conjures up images of mystery and beauty, of ancient Egyptian goddesses, of Halloween night and witches on broomsticks. What other animals are so associated with occult imagery, while also being commonplace companions in our daily lives? Wolves may share a spine-tingling association with ancient legends, from the werewolf to the big bad wolf of fairy tale fame. Dogs may share our lives and can be found in most suburban backyards. Yet only cats move silently and comfortably between the two worlds of the mystic and the mundane. Why do cats fascinate us and why do we love cats so?

Cats are beautiful. Cat lovers and non-cat lovers alike must admit to the beauty of their large, soulful eyes and lovely faces, their elegant silhouettes, their dainty noses and paws, and their metronomic tails. Cats may have shimmering green eyes, cool blue eyes or surprising yellow eyes. Their fur may be long or short, smooth or bushy, uniformly colored or patterned like tigers or calicos, and come in many shades of orange, yellow, brown, grey, black, and white, or some combination of the above.

Cats are fascinating to watch. We're amused by the comical antics of lively kittens playing, leaping, bounding, and rolling about the floor, sometimes reacting to things that we mere humans can't even perceive. We're entranced by the graceful movements of adult cats, their ability to move silently and stealthily, the ease with which they can leap and climb and walk along sloped surfaces or narrow ledges that only a trained human acrobat would attempt.

Cats and Their Mysterious Ways
Some people admire cats for their mysterious ways and associations with the night and with past ages when magic seemed more possible. Some respect them for their reputation of being aloof loners. Dog people claim that cats, being too independent, view humans with disdain. Cat lovers say that being loved by your cat means much more than being loved by your dog because, while a dog is a social animal that needs a master or pack leader to slavishly follow, the cat is by nature solitary. If a cat craves your companionship it is because they has chosen you and because you have earned their love, trust, respect and affection.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

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January 16, 2008

Talavera Mexican Art

Talavera: Traditional Mexican Pottery
Talavera is a Majolica tin-enameled earthenware made in Puebla. This world-renowned hand-painted pottery comes in various forms, including both functional and decorative items such as plates, serving dishes, vases and tiles.

The native people of Mexico had a long tradition of making pottery. With the arrival of the Spaniards the contact between these two traditions resulted in exquisite new styles, the Spaniards introducing the wheel and tin-based glaze and the native Mexicans providing skilled labor and ingenuity. It is believed that the particular techniques for making this type of Majolica pottery were introduced in Puebla by immigrants from Talavera de la Reina, Spain.

In 1653 a potter’s guild was formed and ordinances were laid down regulating the production of Talavera. Between 1650 and 1750 the production of Talavera was at its height. Originally, Talavera was white and blue. In the 18th Century new colors were introduced and green, orange and yellow began to be used.

How Talavera Mexican Art is Made:
The basic process for making Talavera has remained the same since the 16th Century, though there have been changes in the shapes of pottery made and the style of decoration. Talavera pottery is made with two kinds of clay, a dark clay and a light, slightly rose-colored clay. Both of these clays come from the state of Puebla.

Talavera Mexican Art Authenticity:
Authentic talavera can be distinguished from imitations by the raised design and high gloss of the surface finish. There are fewer than 20 workshops producing authentic Talavera. In order to be certified these workshops have to pass an inspection and verification process every six months.

This artistic painting from Mexico inspired me to paint the Talavera style on to RiverRock reflecting their vibrant colors and patterns. Please visit my website, RiverRock Critters to see some of the Talavera Rock Art Paintings I created.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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Myths About Being an Artist

Believe You Have Talent
Fact: Some people do have more of an inherent talent, or an aptitude, for art than others. But worrying about how much talent you do or don’t have is just a waste of energy. Having an abundance of creativity is no guarantee you’ll be a good artist.

The advantage of believing you have talent when you start out is that initially artistic things come easily to you, rather than your having to strive to achieve them. But relying on talent will only get you so far. Sooner or later you’ll reach a spot where your talent isn’t enough. What then?

Develop Your Artistic Skills
If you’ve worked at developing artistic skills, from how brushes work to how colors interact, and are used to actively pursuing ideas rather than expecting creative thoughts to come to you, you’re not at the whim of your so-called talent.

Let’s skip the ideas about everyone having some creative aspect to them and how everyone has some special talent. If you truly believe you didn’t have any artistic ability, you wouldn’t have any desire to paint. It’s that desire, combined with persistence and the systematic learning of painting techniques, not talent, which make an artist.

“What distinguishes a great artist from a weak one is first their sensibility and tenderness; second, their imagination, and third, their industry.” – John Ruskin

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

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January 15, 2008

Following Your Gut Instincts

Listen to Your Intuitive Messages
Intuitive messages can come from a variety of avenues. They can come in form of cravings for particular foods. Or words of a stranger we sit next to on the bus. They can come through our night dreams. They might be ideas that pop into our heads while standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes. These messages are available to us more as we learn to listen for them.
When a person first becomes alert to intuitive messages it may seem disturbing not to understand the importance or unimportance of the messages.

Let Go ... Insight Will Come
Sometimes we just don't fully understand what these intuitive flashes mean. It can be quite frustrating when we are GETTING the message, but NOT GETTING any logical reasoning along with it. It is important for you to understand the reason behind any message you will be given that additional information will come eventually. Try not to get bogged down with a NEED TO KNOW. Let it go, explanations come along with intuitive messages on a “need to know basis.
For example: Perhaps your inner guidance tells you to eat avocados. You are willing to eat them, but you wonder "Why Avocados?" You may even explore the Internet to read up on the nutritional value of avocados. But the reason you were given the message to eat avocados didn't have anything to do with nutrition. It was to nudge you to go to the market that day. While there, you bump into a girlfriend from your old neighborhood who introduces you to the man who is to become your life partner. You discover it doesn't really matter if you eat avocados after all. But you might want to serve guacamole dip at your wedding reception as a romantic gesture.

Paying Attention to Your Intuition
When people are first learning to pick up on their intuitive messages they may feel as if they are being sent off on wild goose chase. Sounds like a fair evaluation. But by following through on your everyday hunches, you are actually taking test drives, virtually honing in on your listening skills. These skills will serve you well when the bigger, more important messages need to surface, so pay attention!

Everyone is psychic, but some people have flabby psychic muscles. Learning to listen to your inner dialog tones strengthens this muscle. When we choose to ignore our gut instincts, we are only hurting ourselves. The more you follow the pathway of your intuition the clearer the pathway gets.

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com
Copyright 2007 CraftyCritters Newsletter

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Life's Little Miracles

Living with Joy Everyday
It is the everyday aspects of our lives that bring us the most joy, even if at first it may seem natural to expect our feelings of happiness to come from the larger events in our lives. By noticing how small things can fill our days with delight, we are more likely to experience the wonder of living.

Once we take the time to look around and witness the beauty, kindness, and laughter that envelop us, what may seem like the ordinariness of the everyday becomes filled with the extraordinary detail of each individual moment. If we bring this sense of awareness to our lives for even a few minutes each day, we will begin to see how just blessed we truly are.

Notice More Joy
Beholding the joy that surrounds us may initially seem easy, but for some it can take a conscious effort to make it a part of a daily routine. When you awake in the morning and set the intention to notice more joy in the world, watch how your day and, eventually, your life is filled with more joy.

The more we do this the more apt we will be to notice the sounds of children laughing or the sparkle of dewdrops on a flower petal. Allow this joy to fill your heart fully, and from there it will naturally expand to your entire body and then spread to others, giving them joy as well.

Setting My Intention
I am personally setting out the intention to take in life's little miracles With each passing day. I seek to achieve these small delights, which bring me a deeper level of appreciation for everything the universe has provided me. I allow myself ... Now ... to be showered with universal gifts of love, light, and miracles.

Blessings and Magical Miracles to you...

Lisa Libutti,
www.RelaxMusic.Tv - Music, Media, & Marketing
Abridged: DailyOm.com

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RiverRock Critters Art Store

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January 14, 2008

Petroglyph Rock Art Symbols

Symbols for Communication
Petroglyphs are images incised in rock, usually by prehistoric, especially Neolithic, peoples. They were an important form of pre-writing symbols, used in communication from approximately 10,000 B.C.E. to modern times, depending on culture and location.

The word comes from the Greek words petros meaning "stone" and glyphein meaning "to carve" . The term 'petroglyph' should not be confused with pictograph, which is an image drawn or painted on a rock face, both of which contribute to the wider and more general category of rock art. Petroforms, or patterns and shapes made by many large rocks and boulders in rows over the ground, are also quite different.

Interpretation of Symbols on Rocks
These images probably had deep cultural and religious significance for the societies that created them. Many petroglyphs are thought to represent some kind of not-yet-fully understood symbolic or ritual language. Later glyphs from the Nordic Bronze Age in Scandinavia seem to refer to some form of territorial boundary between tribes, in addition to possible religious meanings.

Some researchers have noticed the resemblance of different styles of petroglyphs across different continents; while it is expected that all people would be inspired by their surroundings, it is harder to explain the common styles. In 1853 George Tate read a paper to the Berwick Naturalists' Club at which a Mr John Collingwood Bruce agreed that the carvings had '.. a common origin, and indicate a symbolic meaning, representing some popular thought.' In his cataloguing of Scottish rock art, Ronald Morris summarised 104 different theories on their interpretation.

Similarity of Petroglyphs
Other, more controversial, explanations are that the similarity of petroglyphs (and other atavistic or archetypal symbols) from different cultures and continents is a result of the genetically inherited structure of the human brain. Other theories suggest that petroglyphs were made by shamans in an altered state of consciousness, perhaps induced by the use of natural hallucinogens. Many of the geometric patterns (known as form constants) which recur in petroglyphs and cave paintings have been shown to be "hard-wired" into the human brain; they frequently occur in visual disturbances and hallucinations brought on by drugs, migraine and other stimuli.

Present-day links between shamanism and rock-art amongst the San people of the Kalahari desert have been studied by the Rock Art Research Institute (RARI) of the University of the Witwatersrand. Though the San people's artworks are predominantly paintings, the beliefs behind them can perhaps be used as a basis for understanding other types of rock art, including petroglyphs.

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The Stone Age: Rock Painting in Caves

Cave Painting
Cave or Rock Paintings are paintings on cave or rock walls and ceilings, usually dating to prehistoric times. The earliest known rock paintings are dated to the Upper Paleolithic, 40,000 years ago, while the earliest European cave paintings date to 32,000 years ago. The purpose of the cave paintings is not known, and may never be. The evidence suggests that they weren't merely decorations of living areas, since the caves in which they've been found don't have signs of ongoing habitation. Also, they are often in areas of caves that aren't easily accessed. Some theories hold that they may have been a way of transmitting information, while other theories ascribe them a religious or ceremonial purpose.

Rock Painting
Rock paintings were "painted" on rock and were more naturalistic depictions than petroglyphs. In Paleolithic times, the representation of humans in cave paintings was rare. Mostly, animals were painted, not only animals that were used as food but also animals that represented strength like the rhinoceros or large Felidae, as in the Chauvet Cave. Signs like dots were sometimes drawn. Rare human representations include handprints and half-human / animal figures. The Chauveyt Cave in the Ardèche Departments of France contains the most important preserved cave paintings of the Paleolithic era, painted around 31,000 BC. The Altamira cave paintings in Spain were done 14,000 to 12,000 BC and show, among others, bisons. The hall of bulls in Lascaux, Dordogne, France, is one of the best known cave paintings from about 15,000 to 10,000 BC.

If there is meaning to the paintings, it remains unknown. The caves were not in an inhabited area, so they may have been used for seasonal rituals. The animals are accompanied by signs which suggest a possible magic use. Arrow-like symbols in Lascaux are sometimes interpreted as calendar or almanac use. But the evidence remains inconclusive. The most important work of the Mesolithic era were the marching Warriors, a rock painting at Cingle de la Mola, Castellón, Spain dated to about 7,000 to 4,000 BC. The technique used was probably spitting or blowing the pigments onto the rock. The paintings are quite naturalistic, though stylized. The figures are not three-dimensional, even though they overlap.

Rituals and beliefs
Modern studies and the in-depth analysis of finds dating from the Stone Age indicate certain rituals and beliefs of the people in those prehistoric times. It is now believed that activities of the Stone Age humans went beyond the immediate requirements of procuring food, body coverings and shelters. Specific rites relating to death and burial were practiced, though certainly differing in style and execution between cultures. Other rituals included birth, puberty and marriage. Several Stone Age-dated sites in different parts of the world indicate traces of dancing, dancing in files and initiation rites..
Abridged: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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January 13, 2008

Moving Our Bodies with Intention

The Magic of Movement
As you participate in physical activities., grace and strength might seem to flow through your body, which could benefit you in everything from athletic competitions to social dancing. Another great way to apply this mind-set is by allowing heavy, sluggish energy to be burned off as you move your body. Inner blockages, fear, pain, doubt, and even anger can all be channeled through the motion of your body, leaving you feeling cleansed both physically and mentally.

As you move your body today, simply imagine any undesirable qualities being dislodged and transformed into energy, and see this energy exiting your body effortlessly. Affirm that you release these qualities with joy and thanksgiving for the lessons they have brought into your life, and allow them to move on to their next destination in the universe.

Participate in Physical Activity

Using physical activity to release emotional build-up helps us release inner blockages and empower ourselves with a healthy new mind-set. Just as negative thoughts and turbulent emotions can cloud our thinking, they can also make our bodies feel sluggish and heavy.

By moving our bodies with an "intention" to burn off detrimental energy, we can raise the frequency of our vibrations and free ourselves from limiting beliefs. Not only does this make us feel lighter and happier but we are empowered with the knowledge that we can choose how we feel both mentally and physically. Through the magic of movement, you can release any unwanted emotions and embrace a new lightness of being today.

Abridged: DailyOm.com

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January 5, 2008

Attracting Abundance is a Skill

Manifesting Already Intact

Have you ever felt somewhat jealous of a person because they have everything, getting things with little effort as if they were born under a lucky star? It may be that they very well were born with the knowledge of manifesting already intact. I say this because I believe once we learn something in another life (Yes, I believe in past lives, parallel existences) it is not lost, and that we can choose to bring those talents with us as we move into a new life experience.

As any other skill people have, manifesting is no different from playing the piano or flipping pancakes in the air. How good you are at it depends on how efficient you have become at performing it.

Although some of us are better at certain skills that doesn't mean with practice, we can't improve or even surpass the talent expressed by another. People who are efficient in attracting have trained their minds to focus on their desires. They have learned it so well that they often times don't even realize how they do it. Abundance comes to them naturally. They wouldn’t even blink an eye if someone suggested they did not deserve something, it isn’t part of their reality.

Laws of Attraction

We create our own reality. We attract things in our life (money, relationships, employment) that we focus on. No affirmation is going to work if your thoughts or feeling are negating the positive.
When we focus on "having less" then we create that experience for ourselves. When we focus on "I hate my job" then we will never notice the aspects of our employment that might be satisfying. Basically, just wanting something isn't going to bring that to us when we continue to obsess on the not having of that something. All we will experience is “not having” and will be ultimately be blocking our true desires.

Another mistake that we make is that we tend to think of abundance in terms of how much money we have in our bank accounts. We cling to what we perceive as our “meager savings” with the attitude that we don’t have enough out of fear.

So you see, a person's true focus is on "not enough". When we are focused on "not enough" it won't ever matter how much money we have, it will never be enough. We need to manifest on the positive to become a reality.

Pauline Libutti
Artist & Writer

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January 4, 2008

Gemstones & Their Healing Power

Crystal & Gemstone Healing

I was first introduced to gemstone healing from my daughter. It was a delightful gift of beauty and healing. She explained that there were literally hundreds of different types of stones that represented different energies. So I thought I would share with you the stones I have received over time. I call them Mother Nature’s natural healers for mind and body.

Rose Quartz – is a heart healer whether physical or emotional. This gem is offered to someone who desires to learn self-love.

Fluorite – is a guard against negativity. It is important to cleanse it at least once a week if you are using it as a protective helper.

Amethyst – this is a highly spiritual stone associated with The Christ Consciousness and Violet Flame of Transmutation. This stone helps one tune into a higher awareness of knowing.

Turquoise – this is a teaching stone that can be used to help one learn spiritual lessons through meditation and/or dream visions.

Hematite – this is a grounding stone silver gray metallic in color that is often used as grounding tool to aid those who tend to avoid worldly tasks/events by out of body flight.

Kyanite– this blue colored stone is best worn near the throat chakra. It helps facilitate channeling and open communication centers to enable contact with your guides and angels. This stone is best known to align the chakras. No need to cleanse this stone, it clears itself automatically of negative energies.

Lapis – this stone has been said to unlock mysteries as it helps one move through confusion and emotional blocks and to root problematic issues.

Snowflake Obsidian – all varieties of obsidian are grounding and protective agents. The snowflake in particular helps us surrender or to let go of negative habits. It will bring about opportunity for change, serenity, and clarity.

Yellow Topaz – is the birthstone for November/Scorpio. It is a stone of optimism and mental clarity. Wonderful healing stone for anyone who is easily distracted, confused or prone to depression.

I feel these stones represent all sorts of healing powers we can use in our daily lives. Remember that shiny rock plucked from the dirt when you were a child that was one of the first treasures you discovered on your own.

Rocks, a natural resource of earth, are everywhere. We pave our streets with gravel, our beach sands are made from the smallest crystals. We adorn ourselves with gold rings and silver bracelets set with colorful gemstones. Whether or not you realize it, within each gemstone and crystal is housed healing properties.

Ever wonder why you are attracted to a particular stone and not another? Nature finds a way to get the stones that carry the healing and spiritual properties that are most needed to us.

(This article is dedicated to my daughter, Lisa, who opened a whole new world to Me)

Pauline Libutti

Artist & Writer

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