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June 27, 2009

The Final Curtain

Gone away too soon

You passed from earth to sky

You're a shiny star now
In the heavens oh so high.

Your fans will truly miss you

Your presence here is gone

You'll always live in our hearts

Through all your inspiring songs.

You brought our nation together

When times were really hard

We stand together hand in hand

Celebrating your life with high regard.

To mention everything you meant to us

Would be a list beyond compare

You gave of yourself unselfishly

Through your music you did share.

Many rumors will come and go

Your name here still in lights

You will not be soon forgotten

You have touched so many lives.

Our memories will never fade away

And grow brighter each day

You had a purpose on this earth

that we're grateful for in every way.

So shine now Michael in the heavens above

And jam with the angels wearing your infamous white glove

We hold you dear within our hearts

A new beginning for you now starts ...

Michael Jackson

Author: Pauline Libutti

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