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June 1, 2008

The Silent Hunter

The Owl is the symbol of the feminine, the moon and the night.

Magic, Omens, Wisdom

The owl is the bird of magic and darkness, of prophecy and wisdom.

An owl totem gives you the power to extract secrets. Meditate on the owl and things will be revealed. Listen to its voice inside of you.

You will hear not what is being said by others, but what is hidden. You can detect subtleties of voice that others cannot. People cannot deceive a person who has an owl totem.

Owl people can see into the darkness of others souls. Most owl people are clairvoyant because of this ability. It can be very scary at times. Learn to trust your instincts about people. Let your owl totem guide you.

Owls, which have been called cats with wings, are the silent hunters of the night. Their downy feathers and the front edge of their wings have a fringe which silences their flight. The wings are substantially bigger than their actual body making their slow smooth flight all the easier.

These birds also have a third eyelid which moves from side to side to clean their vision. An owl's eyes are fixed in the socket, however to be able to see all around, their incredibly flexible necks can rotate 270 degrees in any direction. An owl's vision and hearing work harmoniously enabling them to eat their body weight on a daily basis.

Owls know when to move silently and when to be still, which makes them the keepers of secrets. These solitary birds don't feel the need to proclaim their presence to anyone until the timing is right. Owl comes to us when we need to open our eyes, and study the situation at hand.

If we watch and listen with our inner selves we can figure out what is happening behind the scenes, and confront those who are trying to deceive us at the appropriate time.

This Owl has been hand painted on wood and is a miniature 5 x 7 wall art. This would make a lovely gift for someone who loves animals of all species. The price of this art piece is $75.00

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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