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June 7, 2008

Two Cute

For all you Yorkie lovers out there. RiverRock Critters presents the Yorkshire Terrier. This has been handpainted on a 5 x 7 plaque and purchase price is $45.00. This would make a lovely gift for the Yorkie owner or anyone who loves dogs.

The Dainty little Yorkshire terrier ranks high in the top ten of American’s favorite toy dogs. It might be a bit difficult to find a more intelligent, bright and generally attractive little guy in the doggie world. The Yorkshire terrier well deserves its rank among the American pet owners.

When we trace the origins of this famous toy dog we go back to the days when he was a broken-haired terrier killing rats around and about his home. Others say the broken-haired terriers known sixty years ago or more in the West of Yorkshire at Bradford and Huddersfield were the ancestors of our present breed. These were bright little guys weighing from to 10 to 20 pounds.

The coat of the Yorkshire terrier has been improved over the years of breeding and his size gradually reduced. Colors also have improved. He is a most beautiful toy dog with long silken tresses of hair, a bright tiny face and small eye.

The Yorkshire terrier is always on the watch for a fun time and makes a delightful pet and companion. It is said of Yorkshire Terrier fanciers that a good Yorkshire does not the meaning of the word “fear,” and it is not uncommon to see one of these small creatures tackle an enemy four times his size, thus, retaining many of its ancestors sporting instincts. Many are still great “ratters,” even the daintiest of specimens.

Yorkshire Terriers are unusually healthy little dogs easily reared and not very difficult to get into nice coat. The grooming of a Yorkshire is a very important matter and much of his general appearance depends upon how well this is done. The hair should be divided from the nose to the tip of the tail in an even parting, and be brushed straight down on each side. If the “fall” is very long, it is best plaited and tied on top of the dog’s head. The eyes of a Yorkshire terrier should be small and expressive.

The general appearance of a Yorkshire terrier should be a long-coated dog with the coat hanging quite straight and evenly down each side. The part extends from the nose to the end of the tail. The Yorkie should be very compact and neat. Hair should not be wavy. The hair of a Yorkshire terrier should be long, straight, and glossy like silk. Among the colors are beautiful bright steel blues, extending from the back of the head to the root of the tail. The tail should have plenty of hair on it cut to a medium length.

One of the domesticated dog's greatest attribute is the capacity for unconditional love. He helps protect the family from bad feelings toward one another. Dogs have long served as guardians for man. They are infinitely loyal and steadfast in loving kindness, service and protection.

One can learn many things from the dog:

The joy of service

Sensitivity to "sniffing out" dangerous situations
Faithful companionship
The true meaning of unconditional love

Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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