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Rock Art Painting and Wall Art Paintings

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River Rock Art Paintings, Wall Art Paintings, Arts & Crafts, Painting on Rocks, Rock Art

June 19, 2008

Wind Dancer

I have always admired the native american culture and arts. I wanted to capture the feeling of being wild and free. This art piece has been painted on a 9 x 12 wooden plaque. The price of this piece is $200.00. I feel it envelopes the look and feel of the indian maiden in all her glory riding her steed who dances in the wind.

She is Wild, She is Free
She is one with the Wind

Peaceful is the valley
Where the Indian maiden walks
The morning skies above her
As nature soars and squawks.

She knows ancestral spirits
Will protect her and will guide
As the trail leads her much higher
Along the mountainside.

She is a lovely beauty with her
Darken skin aglow
She gathers roots and berries
To preserve through winters cold

She crosses open prairie,
Bareback upon her steed,
Thinking of a brave she soon will marry
To keep the tribal creed.

With heavy heart she rises
Returning to the band,
Baskets of fresh berries
Held tightly in her hand.


Pauline Libutti, RiverRock Critters.com

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